melancholy of haruhi suzumiya 8 discussion
Categories: anime, fourkoma, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, responses
Tagged: haruhi suzumiya, haruhi suzumiya:mikuru
I’m secretly hoping that the Mikuru-run Fetish Mode poll can reach 1,000 votes. I’m taking the lack of arguing over Mikuru-run’s moe modes to be a sign that we all agree she’s very moe, and that moeness defuses our ability to think straight. In other words, if Bunny Girl Mikuru were sent to negotiate with Iran, she’d solve this nuclear crisis in a week. Anyway, as always, I enjoyed everyone’s comments on the previous episode.

Before we begin, I think that Hirano Aya is doing a bang up job as Haruhi. With Haruhi, she’s like Rie Tanaka in Mai Otome. Unfortunately, I followed Magipoka mostly because of Aya’s Pachira, and she’s mailing it in, just like Rie Tanaka in Gundam Seed.
How could you not ‘gasm at the sound of Haruhi saying “Wattoson-kun!†?! I melted… – Thegreatmrchibi
1. Sherlock Holmes is _not_ moe. Meido. Cowering. Bunny girl. Loli. Twincest. Killer loli twincest. “Melonpan.” Even “checkie.” These are moe.
2. “Elementary, my dear Watson” (or in this case, “Wattoson-kun”) is something completely fabricated. Doyle never used the phrase… it was added later by Wodehouse. See, with Margret Atwood, summer reading lists, and now Doyle tidbits, AoMM is really a literary blog disguised with killer lolis, meido, and heaps of melonpan. I just can’t endorse the use of this phrase… it’s like my eye twitch whenever I read Peorth’s suddenly French accent in Dark Horse’s translations.
It was speculated that they delayed this episode so that it was coincide with the anniversary of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle( author of Sherlock Holmes, 22nd May). Note that Haruhi made a Watson comment to Kyon towards the end. – Skane
They could have ran the first half of this episode last week instead of jamming a random episode in between. I really believe they jammed that episode in just to make us forget, though Mikuru-run in nekomimi or a stewardess outfit would do a better job.

Well, the Phoenix Wright montage is one I actually liked, especially making Itsuki act the part of Misturugu (Edgeworth)… and more appropriate than the OJ reference, since I doubt that was big news in Japan, whereas Gyakuten Saiban is more well known as being one of the first and only of its genre (lawyer games)… and the dramatics suit Haruhi particularly well. – Haesslich
The Phoenix Wright reference at the end is like the introduction of like eighty new otomes at the end of Mai Otome… there was just no need for it whatsoever, but they still did it just to do it.
I figured it out when I saw that he got stabbed through a book. – braincraft
I should have figured it out when they portrayed K1 as some rich business type, yet he has an appointment book. WTF? What self-respecting businessmen who owns a mansion on a secluded island outfitted with plasma TVs would own an appointment book over a Treo, Blackberry, Palm, or *shudder* Windows CE device?
(Off-topic, but Japan recently unvieled a possible successor to HDTV… a whopping 7680 by 4320 pixels… can you imagine watching Mikuru-run shivering in 7680 by 4320 in 25 years? I would self-combust, if I remembered who Mikuru-run was.)
What do you mean there was no sexual tension in the cave? Haruhi’s fingers on her braw strap – hesitating as she decided whether or not to take it off – were absolutly delicious. – Symmetry
I’m glad I wasn’t the only person hoping it would come off. No wonder I get comments like, “Speaking of Bishi deductive capacity classes I am suprised you have not created a post more of the twin meido of Ouran who are dedicated to strings as bathing suits.” While I love the idea of Haruhi taking off the bra, approaching Kyon with a Nina-to-Mr Wong type of zeal, completely ravashing him, then smoking a cigarette afterwards with Kyon sobbing in the background, I think such an event would have too altered the dynamics of the series, much like the Nina and Mr Wong pairing. But it doesn’t seem to fit Haruhi’s character anymore… Kyon is suddenly top dog. Though I was debating if it were just fidgeting or if she were suddenly modest. I’m going with suddenly modest.
It was also speculated that Haruhi’s shyness in the cave was an indication that she no longer saw Kyon as a potato. – Skane
Just to further prove this theory, I think Kyoto Animation needs to add more chances for Haruhi to change clothes to provide more points of analysis for such an important topic. Though, for the baseball episode, she and Mikuru changed somewhat concealed. Bottom line: we just need more data points. As well as data points for Mikuru and Yuki as well. I want Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, the whole shebang.

Its well worth noting that Haruhi has NEVER actually defied Kyon when he laid down the line on something. He doesn’t do it much, but she folds INSTANTLY. – Fencedude
When they were outside of the mansion, Kyon wanted to go back in but Haruhi dragged him out further. You’re right though, he rarely absolutely not thing to the point I don’t recall… he wasn’t more or less forceful when he asked Haruhi to forfeit the baseball game than he did to ask her to go inside there. Still, if I were in his position and were holding hands with Haruhi with a chance to get trapped in a cave nakkid with her, I know what I’d do. Let it ride, baby!
When Haruhi was costume raping Mikuru with that meido outfit, Kyon tried to stop Haruhi, and she kinda still goes at it. She doesn’t stop until Itsuki enters the room and interrupts their flow, and Mikuru more ruined for marriage. Kyon has little incentive to stop Haruhi… piss her off, and the world will end. Let her be, and he’ll probably get to see Asahina in a bunny outfit again. If I were in his position, I know what I’d do. Let it ride, baby!
Sacrilege! But it does beg the question of whether Kyon’s orders are capable of overriding Haruhi’s? XD – bento-cube
I’m leaning “yes,” if only because everyone in the SOS Brigade is attracted to him.
If haruhi was god, then yuki who just disobeyed god, had just obeyed a mere mortal instead!
Perhaps Kyon > haruhi? – justanothergirl
Adam and Eve disobeyed God too… and we all know how well that turned out. I can imagine Yuki becoming the Rika to Haruhi’s Mion/Shion.
the Kyon > Haruhi theorem makes sense, since Yuki’s mission is waiting for Kyon instead of Haruhi (though *ultimately* it’s for Haruhi), plus Yuki actually prefer Kyon to anyone else (well enough to preserve his memories). – DF
So we have it wrong? It should be a kyongasm… that’s… that’s… that’s… so not right. Okay, I’m sticking with Haruhi. She’s God, Ultra Director, Mega Detective, all rolled up in one until otherwise seen in the anime or until I develop a Ginko-sized man crush on Kyon.
(Off-topic, but I like your blog, DF, and thanks for the remix of Hare Hare Yukai. Now I want a rap version of it with some random lyrics about Voltron tossed in.)
Had Kyon asked Yuki “Who do you think is the murder?â€, the entire case will be closed. I know we won’t have a story that way, but still… I want Kyon to respect Yuki more. Yuki isn’t furniture, she is a member of the SOS brigade. Even if it IS her life’s purpose to observe and do nothing, it doesn’t mean Yuki enjoy being left out of the conversation.
Especially since, by this stage of the story, Kyon is indebted to her. Yuki deserved better. – Vallen Valiant
Excellent point. Yuki gets shafted a lot plotwise, but so does Mikuru. She hasn’t contributed to the plot at all lately. She does everything well, especially her cowering moe and doormat nature, but she doesn’t advance the story like how Itsuki does. Really, Itsuki’s been dominating Kyon’s ear, and that’s not a good thing for traditional males watching this series.

These are the things that gave me the answer
1. In ep 6, Itsuki kept talking about how Haruhi wished for a murder-mystery. It looked like everyone on that island were either Itsuki’s relatives or people he knows, and he was happily talking about how Haruhi wants someone to get murdered? Obviously something is wrong there. – cclragnarok
I don’t think hoping for a murder is a clue, since clues are generally mistakes left by the perpertrators and are a bit more concrete without needing prior knowledge of the characters. The silverware was a mistake made by Itsuki and his merry men, so that’s a clue. Just Haruhi’s hoping for a murder mystery, that’s foreshadowing… it’s like leaving Shana alone in a room with melonpan, to return and discover the melonpan is gone. Yes, we know Shana loves melonpan, but that’s not a clue… that’s a hench, a speculation. A clue would be crumbs on her seifuku.
I wonder if Haruhi’s power manifested to get this “happy endingâ€â€¦ So when Kyon and Itsuki debate about the shadow Haruhi saw, at the end of the ep, maybe they got it wrong: there actually was another man (the murderer), and then in the cave Haruhi rewrote reality (the “shazam!†distortion). The weird Itsuki answer on Kyon’s question about how Itsuki swore that the Agency wasn’t implied in the trip also give credit to this idea (â€I couldn’t possibly have told you the truth now, could I?â€) – Seyluun
Thanks for tossing yet another wrench into the works. To rank my level of confusion from 1 to 10, 1 would be Keroro’s ability to conquer Pekopon, 7 would be about my understanding of this episode of Haruhi, 8 would be where Watanagashi’s arc currently is, and 10 would be my confusion as to why Nana is currently ahead of Ouran Host Club, Higurashi, and School Rumble on blog好ã‘s traffic charts. Seriously? Nana is better than killer lolis? It’s a better shoujo title than Ouran? Really? (To my disappointment, no visitors were looking for “nana sucks” or “nana overrated” when then stumbled onto The 好ã.)
1. I wish people would stop being silly puppies and whimpering about the episode order. Episodes out of order is a definite plus for this series. Just lie back and enjoy it. – hashihime
I heard a rumor on IRC (yes, I know, not exactly the BBC… or even Foxnews) that the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya DVDs will present the episodes in the correct order. It’ll be funny if it turned out to be like Animation Runner Kurumi-like substance where they literally are finishing the episodes out-of-order and have to run them as such, but I know this isn’t the case… it’s Kyoto Animation! If it were Sunrise… another story.
I’m also a little disappointed that they’re framing the season around the first book, with a lengthy intermission in the middle. Personally, I don’t think the end of the first novel works particularly well as an end to the series, though it is the closest thing to a conventional climax. I’d rather see the series end on a quieter, “life goes on†note than with action or wacky hijinx. – Vinland
Agreed. 14 should be “quieter”… just we’re seeing it in the 9 spot. My long outstanding views, of course, is that this should have been a 26 episode series, Kanon be damned. Can’t Kyoto just look at the popularity and say, “Screw it, we’re doing another 12 episodes of Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina, and Ayu’s just going to have to wait a bit longer.” I mean, wasn’t Bleach only supposed to be 50 episodes? What are they on now? Filler arc 85? Still, it’s a well-known fact studios often manipulate episode counts based on popularity, like Bleach‘s and Kenshin‘s extra extensions, and how Final Fantasy Unlimited got axed at 25 when there were 50 episodes ready to go.

Wait with ep 14 coming up does that mean we’ll see Kyon and Haruhi’s day-to? – Crusader
Kyon seems to be more interested in Itsuki. They’re on a boat… and instead of hanging out with Haruhi, Mikuru, and Yuki, he’s lounging around with Itsuki. If 14 does turn out to be Itsuki and Kyon’s day-to, you can bet I’m going to toss up black lagoon 9 rather than melancholy of haruhi suzumiya 10 as the next post.
kyon’s mole…mikuru’s mole…neck…boob…must find mole on haruhi’s ass…or kyoani just likes moles. – ahih
Yep, these are… actually I was fully expecting to see a mole on Tess. Dammit, and I looked everywhere. :(

Itsuki’s fascination with Kyon’s mole. I mean, really. KyoAni is giving lots of fodder for fangirls to work with, and as a guy, that thought scares me. – Skane
It could be a red herring, but very little of this series has been throwaway… stuff comes back, even if it’s a few episodes down. With this mole and Mikuru’s, I’m guessing Mikuru is Haruhi and Kyon’s love child from the future. Not to offend the Yuki fans, but with Mikuru’s rack, it can’t be Yuki’s genetics. There’s at least a chance with Haruhi and a nice American diet.
The only reason I wasn’t too sure about all this was because I didn’t understand the purpose of that girl (with a big hat) in the beginning of ep 6. I kept wondering how she figures into all this, but it seems that she was just there to distract me. – cclragnarok
Speaking of possible red herrings, the girl on the boat may be one. It could also be a character introduced later on. It could be Adult Ayu for all we know. Dammit Kyoto Animation… at least with Sunrise, it was easy to figure out. :(
(I’m bashing Sunrise a lot today. If I am, it’s just because I love them _too_ much.)
’cause until now, NOTHING in Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu has been random or Otome-like. Everything has had a purpose so far and I believe this one could mean that the reality just “rewrote itself†as Yuki has pointed out it’s the ablity of haruhi. – Freddie
Yes. Nothing– NOTHING– can be taken for granted or else we may miss yet another glorious moment of Haruhi.
Just saw Higurashi ep 8 raw. I was thinking you should use the Killer Loli SOS Brigade Chances of Survival … err, I mean Awesomeness Index there too when you blog that ep. – FubaredByAnime
I’ve seen a few sites recently use my UP/DOWN gimmick, which I find interesting since it’s one of my dumber ideas (on par with my vampire roto league). I haven’t seen Killer Lolis 8 yet, so please, no spoilers. In any case, since you asked so nicely:
Killer LOL SOS Brigade Chances of Survival

POOR K1… he’s going to die. It’s an inevitability, just like Jack Bauer saving the day in 24, Quagmire getting an STD in Family Guy, Baltar figuratively fucking the human race in Galactica, Dr Phil further emasculating himself on national television, George W. Bush stumbling trying to pronouce “nuclear proliferation,” Grant getting yet another thankless task in Mythbusters, Chris Berman saying “It– could– go– all– the– way!” on Sportscenter, Simon Crowell belittling someone to compensate for his tiny penis, and, of course, Kenny dying on South Park.

POOR Shion/Mion… I think killing off either/or is a dumb decision so that’s why they’re going to do it nonetheless… when there’s twin, busty gunslingers, they should be carrying the franchise. It’s like if Phoenix sat Nash for the rest of the Dallas/Phoenix series. Won’t get ya far.

GOOD Rena… I think she’s both alive and blood-free when the Watanagashi arc ends. This, of course, is as shocking as watching an episode of Ouran Host Club without Hikaru/Kaoru teasing. Though I’m not happy that Rena always wears that stupid white outfit… can’t we get Kyoto Animation to remake this series? It’s _long_ overdue.
kyon simply rivals rena’s observative skills. – ahih
But Rena has help from Oyashiro-sama! Anyway, back to the index…
POOR Rika… well, we saw her die back in episode five, so no shocker there.
POOR Satoko… I get images of Treehouse of Horror V. Satoko would be dessert.
POOR Me… if there’s massive amounts of emo facial distortions or killer lolis swinging machetes, I may die of giddiness. Stealing a line from Karin, that would be embarrassing.
Why isn’t Haruhi’s shirt / underwears soaked to show some degrees of translucency? :) – Alex
Yep, these are my readers.
About your comment on Kyon’s lack of sarcasm in the last post, I think it would just be totally inappropriate for Kyon to be sarcastic in this situation. If he was being sarcastic when someone was just murdered, I would stop liking him as a character.
love the first two haruhi pics… the second looks like the shana style art…
i’d love to see a showdown between haruhi and itsuki for kyon. i can soooo see it:
“suzumiya-san, he’s obviously in love with me due to (insert random reference)”
*haruhi uses mikuru as distraction and rewrites reality*
*itsuki ceases to exist*
meanwhile, kyon’s in the back shaking his head with yuki reciting protection spells :D
>>I’m bashing Sunrise a lot today. If I am, it’s just because I love them _too_ much.
Love shouldn’t hurt.
>>I’m secretly hoping that the Mikuru-run Fetish Mode poll can reach 1,000 votes. I’m taking the lack of arguing over Mikuru-run’s moe modes to be a sign that we all agree she’s very moe, and that moeness defuses our ability to think straight. In other words, if Bunny Girl Mikuru were sent to negotiate with Iran, she’d solve this nuclear crisis in a week.
Its like how early parliamentry elections go too many choices no decisvive majority, sure beats the “stable” two party system I am stuck with. You also didn’t bother to try and do a doctor jack style to help us decide, might have been in vain but you might have at least stopped a few of us from bleeding all over our computers. Then again we might have all just lost more than a pint. Now that the inital shock has worn off I would have voted for ponytail it probably would have made everything else better.
I would dearly love to see how Mikuru’s moeness can defeat the head scarf…
Though I wonder what would have happened if Kyon tried something and Haruhi wasn’t ready…If Mikuru is Haruhi and Kyon’s love child wouldn’t that make her a demi-God or does Haruhi lose her Otome powers once Kyon wongs her with a one night stand? Furtheremore if this is so then wouldn’t this be like Back to the Future? It would give yet another reason why Mikuru tries to beat off Kyon’s attentions, one piece bathing suit, pretending to be terrified, and taking incriminating pics…for future black mail.
Perhaps seme Itsuki and uke Kyon haven’t come out of the closet yet or they are very much dedicated to planning how best to keep Haruhi from being bored. Since Kyon is the key Itsuki is trying really hard, Mikuru is waiting for her beam up grade, and Yuki is trying to play coy. Unless Haruhi wants a male harem I can’t see Istuki and Kyon becoming rack mates for very long, no doubt Haruhi will do something about it.
>>If 14 does turn out to be Itsuki and Kyon’s day-to, you can bet I’m going to toss up black lagoon 9 rather than melancholy of haruhi suzumiya 10 as the next post.
That would not come as a suprise, but if you missed out on a new moe Mikuru mode (I am hoping for jealous pouting and spy mode) or Imouto loli feat I’d be appalled by your lack of faith. In such an event would you prefer to chop down a large tree with a herring, be used as siege fodder against a French Castle, enter perpetual servitude as a minstrel to the man who wet himself on Badon Hill, or be locked up at Castle Anthrax to be “rescued” by Lancelot? The Haruhi Inquisition is much more humane than previous inquisitions…
Jason, you haven’t seen Higurashi 08 yet!?! That’s a travesty I tell you. Oh you’re definitely going to love it, I saw it yesterday and it was just an amazing episode. I can’t wait to see your “Killer LOL SOS Brigade Chances of Survival†index.
Perhaps I should have made my previous comment a little more clear. We all know you don’t get more stuck to ‘following the rules by the book’ than Yuki. So it does beg the question of whether Kyon’s sort of ‘higher’ on the hierarchy than Haruhi? (in terms of order priority ^^;;)
If anyone is expecting more Yuki scene, keep spamming kyoto animation until they agree to air the vanishing of Suzumiya Haruhi as 4 separate episodes XD
I shall not speak of the reasons.
Ahhh… I’m late to the discussion :( Stupid real life. Anime > Job.
I loved the episode. More Haruhi = great episode. I have a thing for tsunderekko’s over doormats so this was a great ep for me. The whole Itsuki x Kyon thing is scary though.
I find the discussion regarding Haruhi rewriting history very interesting. It sorta follows with the whole Haruhi-is-God thing and the various clues set up from the start.
The moe slack in this episode was picked up nicely by Imouto-san, I think. It doesn’t have to be Mikuru every episode. (Although, make sure she’s in various moe-modes in the rest of the eps, ok KyoAni?)
>> If anyone is expecting more Yuki scene, keep spamming kyoto animation until they agree to air the vanishing of Suzumiya Haruhi as 4 separate episodes XD
Agreed! Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody and The Vanishing of Suzumiya Haruhi NOW!!!
>> If he was being sarcastic when someone was just murdered, I would stop liking him as a character.
He said he knew pretty early on. If I knew it were a hoax early on, I’d think that I would start having a little fun with the situation. Maybe like, “Haruhi, I know who the real killer is, and I’m not telling you, neener-neener-neener” right before she kills me.
>> The Haruhi Inquisition is much more humane than previous inquisitions…
Remember K1 yelling at “Shion” on the phone? Well, whose to say that I’m not the Grand Inquisitor?
>> I can’t wait to see your “Killer LOL SOS Brigade Chances of Survival†index.
Didn’t I include this at the end of this post? Anyway, it’s NBA playoff season. My anime watching generally suffers.
>> So it does beg the question of whether Kyon’s sort of ‘higher’ on the hierarchy than Haruhi?
In terms of pure rank, no. But what’s a Brigade without some insubordination… or a possible coup d’tat?
>> If anyone is expecting more Yuki scene, keep spamming kyoto animation until they agree to air the vanishing of Suzumiya Haruhi as 4 separate episodes XD
I _definitely_ want to see Vanishing of Haruhi Suzumiya as well as the 8 day Mikuru stories. Just thinking about it makes me hate Ayu more and more. I think an anime is knocking on pantheon’s door when it makes you start disliking another show just because it’s taking animation talent away from it. A first. Never when I’m watching Ouran am I thinking, “Wow, if only they had the Planet of the Beast King team helping out, this would be the greatest show ever.”
>> The whole Itsuki x Kyon thing is scary though.
Very, very scary. Can derail the entire series.
>>Remember K1 yelling at “Shion†on the phone? Well, whose to say that I’m not the Grand Inquisitor?
The Inquistion knows no degree or grade, no one is above suspicion and no one is above punishment. No not even the Grand Inquisitor, we all know that only one is reasonably safe from Her wrath. Besides we are all sinners in the hands of of an enthusiastic Goddess.
The weight of you heresy alone for one so high will stay your feet…
>>In terms of pure rank, no. But what’s a Brigade without some insubordination… or a possible coup d’tat?
Coup’detat implies that Haruhi is some sort of head of state (unless you are unconciuosly approving of my Stalin analogy). The correct term is mutiny.
>>I _definitely_ want to see Vanishing of Haruhi Suzumiya as well as the 8 day Mikuru stories. Just thinking about it makes me hate Ayu more and more. I think an anime is knocking on pantheon’s door when it makes you start disliking another show just because it’s taking animation talent away from it. A first. Never when I’m watching Ouran am I thinking, “Wow, if only they had the Planet of the Beast King team helping out, this would be the greatest show ever.â€
Death to! AYU! Death to! AYU! Kyoto needs to find out where BONES is getting their moolah, rumor has it Ouran will at least be 24 (9 DVD vol.).
>>>I don’t think hoping for a murder is a clue, since clues are generally mistakes left by the perpertrators and are a bit more concrete without needing prior knowledge of the characters. The silverware was a mistake made by Itsuki and his merry men, so that’s a clue. Just Haruhi’s hoping for a murder mystery, that’s foreshadowing… it’s like leaving Shana alone in a room with melonpan, to return and discover the melonpan is gone. Yes, we know Shana loves melonpan, but that’s not a clue… that’s a hench, a speculation. A clue would be crumbs on her seifuku.
I never said that this is a “clue.” This is just the point when I first started thinking that Itsuki will be behind the murder mystery.
And I am not talking about Haruhi wishing for murder mystery. I’m talking about how Itsuki seems to be excited about all this potential tragedy.
Sure it needs a little prior knowledge about Itsuki, but he is one of the main characters of the series. Everyone has prior knowledge of him. Plus even if he is some random guy, it would be strange for him to be seemingly excited over potential murder of his friends and relatives (not to mention himself).
And it is a mistake by Itsuki. He could have looked at least a little worried when he talked about this. For all we know, this might be one of the reasons Kyon eventually figured out Itsuki is the mastermind.
>>The Inquistion knows no degree or grade, no one is above suspicion and no one is above punishment. No not even the Grand Inquisitor, we all know that only one is reasonably safe from Her wrath. Besides we are all sinners in the hands of of an enthusiastic Goddess.
NOBODY EXPECTS THE HARUHI IMQUISITION. Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to Haruhi, and nice red uniforms!
Thus endeth our regularly scheduled Monty Python Moment.
Eh-to, not totally on-topic, but there was a link from the AnimeSuki Forums for a YouTube video of a promotional video for Phoenix Wright and the Nintendo DS.
Totally and absurdly hilarous, and a surreal starting point for people who have never played the Phoenix Wright games before and wish to see the scenes that SHaruhi parodied from it.
>>Didn’t I include this at the end of this post? Anyway, it’s NBA playoff season. My anime watching generally suffers.
Y’know, I have this exact same problem every year at this time. And this year in particular it’s killing me. There’s so many good shows on that I’m only getting like four or five hours of sleep on weekdays trying to keep up with both.
>>Didn’t I include this at the end of this post?
Woops, looks like I mistyped. What I was meaning to say is that I also think that you should put a “Higurashi Awesomeness Index†in your next killer lolis post.
>>Coup’detat implies that Haruhi is some sort of head of state (unless you are unconciuosly approving of my Stalin analogy). The correct term is mutiny.
Details, details. We all know what it means. :D
>>Details, details. We all know what it means.
In the military there is a differnece, the consequence for failure is the same, but the difference is there. Besides Mutiny sounds more pirate, Coup implies that Haruhi was smothered with a pillow…
>>Death to! AYU! Death to! AYU!
>>Coup implies that Haruhi was smothered with a pillow…
By Itsuki. Because we all know yaoi is the way to go.
>> Eh-to, not totally on-topic, but there was a link from the AnimeSuki Forums for a YouTube video of a promotional video for Phoenix Wright and the Nintendo DS.
I have a sudden and uncontrollable urge to purchase a DS just so I can shout “OBJECTION!” to it over and over again.
>> Death to! AYU! Death to! AYU! Kyoto needs to find out where BONES is getting their moolah, rumor has it Ouran will at least be 24 (9 DVD vol.)
Haruhi is 8 DVDs in the dreaded 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1 format. R2 dvds with 3 or more episodes are fairly rare… 2 is more common, and 1 isn’t out of the question.
>>Haruhi is 8 DVDs in the dreaded 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1 format. R2 dvds with 3 or more episodes are fairly rare… 2 is more common, and 1 isn’t out of the question.
DEATH to the purple pissing bastard who created this blasphemous marketing scheme! Death to any white collar hack that stands between Ouran and S. Haruhi season 2! Death to Shinji. Death to Jinnah…oh wait.
Well Ouran is slated for at least 13 even with the hated 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1 format we should get 16 or 18 (it would be weird though) if we are lucky I am still hoping for 24 or more. Haruhi have mercy upon BONES if they adopt that strategy (Stratergy) for I will not. F/SN gets the 24/26 treatment while Haruhi and Ouran are releagted to 14/13 I demmand justice…
Very, very scary. Can derail the entire series.
Why, yes, as a female, I wasn’t too excited seeing Mikuru as Haruhi’s bitch too.
>>My long outstanding views, of course, is that this should have been a 26 episode series, Kanon be damned. Can’t Kyoto just look at the popularity and say, “Screw it, we’re doing another 12 episodes of Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina, and Ayu’s just going to have to wait a bit longer.â€
Only if you were in the channel once in a while, Jason. You would’ve caught an interesting debate on Kyoto’s decision to cap Haruhi season to 14 episodes. Not long after ep 3, the baseball episode, was aired, one of the memembers came up with a theory, and during the debate one of the members used to be against it, has since then supported the theory as well, as far as I can tell. I probably would be inclined to agree with him, since it certainly seems like it to me.
His theory went along the lines of something like that Kyoto was deliberately taking a jab at the hardcore otaku community in Japan (one of example he offered was of the blatant case of Haruhi’s kidnapping and groping of Mikuru, which would’ve been taken seriously as a harrassment in real life, were being taken as humor or fanservice material for otaku). Moreover so, Kyoto’s decision in pattern of episodes 00, 01-02, and 03 seemed like Kyoto was deliberately trying to alienate certain group of people watching Haruhi. 00 would’ve eliminated casual viewers with bad screening, lame effects, and such. 01-02 then lulls the rest of viewers into sense of false security, where they would expect the story to flow progressively, until Kyoto drops the ep 3, which is actually a chapter of Haruhi novel 3. By doing so, Kyoto alienates whoever has not read the Haruhi novels. Kyoto then repeats the practice of alternating between novel 1 and 3, while clearly announcing that there would be no episodes based on novel 2. In end, the ones who are still watching Haruhi are otakus who are too obessed with Haruhi-ism to realize that Kyoto is taking a jab at their behaivor and culture. With that kind of attidue, it would make sense why Kyoto has no plans for Haruhi beyond 14 eps.
Now, I’m not saying I’m supporting this theory, but it certainly seems like a likely interpretation.
“moeness defuses our ability to think straight” it only effects those who don’t have “Eternal Love Barrier” set up in their hearts. If you have that, you’re immune to anything exept the barrier it self man. Mine? Bell’s Immortal Wall! LOL^^