k-on!! 8
Categories: episodic review, k-on
Tagged: k-on
If only young Mio could read this post out loud.
(Kyoto’s manifest destiny was to animate Hanamaru… it would have been perfect for them. If you asked me what would have been perfect for Kyoto back in 2006, I would have given you a much different answer. And, of course, they’re next project… is more moe cute low calorie comedy. Watching Kyoto go from powerhouse to moe cute low calorie powerhouse is like watching Grant Hill go from premier playmaker to complementary defender.)
(You know what you can do Kyoto? Finish Full Metal Panic. Do it. For us. And don’t skimp on the Tess and Chidori fanservice.)
A terrified Mio is always fine.
(Having filler in K-On!! feels weird. On one hand, it’s not like there’s any real plot-like substance… on the other hand, it’s filler. But it’s not terrible filler… how can I complain about adorable Mio filler?)
Crappy Yui filler? This I can complain about.
Sawa-chan single is a bigger stretch than Angel Beats having a coherent ending. My advice for Sawa-chan? Stop facepalming at Yui and Ritsu all the time, and start costume raping Mio more. Give the fans what we want.
Would I watch a full episode of nothing but young Mio sketching? *Thinks* Sure beats watching Saving Grace on TNT. They know drama!
(Especially if she’s constantly freaked out by Ritsu. Ritsu would scare her with a caterpillar… then return with a juice box… and then tickle Mio from behind… the creative possibilities are endless. I remember hearing on This American Life about someone who tried to launch a channel that was nothing but shots of cute dogs… couldn’t we launch a cute Mio channel? I feel like this could work. At the very least, it’ll be more watchable than NBC.)
See, if Yui were running a floral shop, I would expect the background to filled with wilted and brown plants. Kyoto, you screwed up! This is almost as bad as seeing Lulu walk around in non-fabulous clothes.
This is how I decided on which college to go to as well.
Why don’t we more backstory for Mugi? She’s the character with the least exposition behind her. We want to know more about the tea-wielding, cake-munching heiress. Or is the fact that we know so little about her part of her mystique?
I demand an anime version of Laverne and Shirley starring Yui and Nodoka. Of course, we need to get Lulu and Suzaku as Lenny and Squiggy.
A series gaga that Jun Maeda would have been proud of. Maybe not.
OR, they thought ahead and probably assumed that Ui would work there too, and Yui’s just the main face of the store.
what lights said
>This is how I decided on which college to go to as well.
You went to the same school as your older sister?
> Why don’t we more backstory for Mugi? She’s the character with the least exposition behind her. We want to know more about the tea-wielding, cake-munching heiress. Or is the fact that we know so little about her part of her mystique?
“Many things are still mysterious about Mugi. But she certainly is cute.”
Chances are really endless for this cast. It seems to be the epitome of KyoAni.
To be able to animate nothingness (in term of events and synopsis) in this glorious way in amazing.
>Yui’s just the main face of the store.
And then she becomes the rival of the onimaru family ramen shop and they start having over the top fights about who’s the better shop mascot girl.
We need to make it happen.
Finish Full Metal Panic? Setting aside whether or not Kyoto would be able to finish the series before the anime industry collapse for good, I assume you have been reading the later novels? They ought to just do the school cruise novel and call it a day.
Bur remember that Yui’s strong point is her ability to excel once she focuses on something. She’s an idiot savant!
We can expect her flower shop to be filled with beautiful flowers, but she won’t be able to explain how she made those flowers bloom so well. And she would also forget about her guitar skills and everything she had learnt thus far except how to be a florist.
Series GAGA?
Have you been watching that video for Telephone again?
(You know what you can do Kyoto? Finish Full Metal Panic. Do it. For us. And don’t skimp on the Tess and Chidori fanservice.)
You and me both.
Tidal, what i think should happen is a battle of the bands type thing between onimaru ramen and Yui/Ui’s flower shop, with a drunken Miki, costumes picked by Sawa-chan and Haruhi and Mikuru Emceeing the whole shibang in bunny suits. Now, that would truly be the most amazing OVA/Special in the history of moe.
Ritsu’s dad told her to imagine people as potatoes…
The first thing that came to mind was: “Are they related to Suzumiya Haruhi?”