hyouka 7
Categories: episodic review, hyouka
Tagged: hyouka
Why, yes, I am curious. I think “chitanda” works excellent as a verb as trying to conserve energy, but the cute girl wouldn’t let me. “I just wanted to enjoy a cold beer while playing Diablo 3, but my wife chitanda’d me with a stack of papers asking if we should switch from our HMO to a PPO.” Or “I just finished saving a country from destruction and just want to chill with my best bro, and now my pop star girlfriend chitanda’d me to go shopping– SHOPPING!– before the final climatic battle.” Or “I just wanted to lie, drink ale, and fuck, but my whore chitanda’d me into caring for this kingdom. Now all that stands before this armada of a thousand warships is me and 5,000 cubits of wildfire.”
(We can’t have “chitanda” mean “curious” since we already have a great word for it: Kininarimasu!)
I like how Kyoto spent so much more time and effort in animating male nudity than female nudity. Though this scene harkens back to the Tess hot springs episode in Fumoffu where bath objects strategically blocked views of Tess, Chidori, and Mao… and Weber. Sigh. What happened to the Kyoto that gave us multiple Tess showering or hot springs episodes, Kyou gym locker, and Mikuru getting Haruhi’ed? What happened?! Are they trying to one up Shaft who upped the ante with their ripped and buffed Ararararagi? Madness. At least Shaft had the good sense to toss in Shinobu and toothbrushes.
Aki Toyosaki voicing Rie was like… “Yeah… it works.” I was disappointed that Rie’s little sister, Kayo, wasn’t voiced by Madoka Yonezawa.
I wonder if I’ll spend the next two years complaining about Houtarou and Chitanda… she wore a ponytail, and she was disappointed that she couldn’t share a mixed bath with Houtarou… this type of romance harkens back (why I am using “harkens back” again?) to the early 2000s type of romantic comedy when the guy would be too dense to figure out that the girl likes him… and it goes on for either 49 episodes or 49 volumes of manga. Though as one of my readers pointed out (think it was Myssa?), a large part of what we’re seeing was originally written in the early 2000s. At least that makes sense that no one has an iPhone or Wikipedia. But I do have my eyes out to see if Kyoto sneaks in a Prius at some point…
Satoshi is an unholy blend of Itsuki and Sunohara. He’s as “helpful” and as close as Itsuki and has his derpy Sunohara moments too. I wonder if he was this way originally.
Chitanda’s sparkling eyes are so irresistible that even Houtarou can’t resist them. Dem eyes. Dem glassy eyes!
Wait, instead of going to summer festival, the Scooby gang decided to stay in and tell ghost stories? That to me is the sketchiest part of the story. What’s better after a dip in the hot springs than taiyaki? Or better yet… Nutella-filled mini-taiyaki that I got addicted to at Fanime. I think Kyoto was like, “Damn, we really want to squeeze in Chitanda and Ibara wearing yukatas, but we just ran out of time.” And I’m a bit sad because of it.
Houtarou complaining about going on a free hot springs trip with two cute girls… is there a straight high school male alive that wouldn’t strangle him? Look at that ponytail! Look at it!
(Kyoto’s animation… my gosh… making every other show look like it’s from 2012. Except they choose to use it on animating two bros in the bath. Barely any bathing Chitanda and zero bathing Ibara… I feel like something failed here.)
“I had more flowers than hands.”
Three MVPs…
1. Nutella.
2. Red bean.
3. Chocolate pudding.
“Your face is too close! ಠ_ಠ“
No comment on Satoshi’s pink socks and yellow shoes? Add in “I”m a SUNFLOWER!” and no matter how ya slice it that boy is gay. Poor Ibara.
Yeah, that was me. The first novel of the series (the eponymous Hyouka) did come out in 2001, so it’s not surprising it shows a lot a lot of the conventions of the time. Also it’s a proper novel, not a light novel, so fanservice wasn’t in the cards yet.
Incidentally, the character designs went through at least 4 different iterations before we the version we have now.
It appears Jason likes ponytails.
What happens if Chintanda is in a maid outfit… with a ponytail? World explodes? :p
Ibara has the worst gay-dar evar. She’s better off gagging for Oreki at this point.
Taiyaki with Okonomiyaki: cabbage, green onion, octopus, tofu, and freaking read bean paste. I cried. It was sooooo good.
Read bean paste: very useful for beanomancy. Red bean paste is useful for palatable consumption.
Satoshi has a lot of Ritsu in there too…
Alternate mysteries:
1: Why did only one person in the cast go to this festival? Shouldn’t it have been advertised to the tourists? Shouldn’t Chitanda/Satoshi have dragged the gang there if it was?
2: If the inn is shut for renovation, who were the other people providing Fumoffu-esque censorship and in the hot spring? Locals? Tourists staying in other inns but using the hot springs there?
3: Where was the footage of Mayaka in the hot spring? I didn’t think about it while watching, but I feel a little cheated now you come to mention it!
4: Was Satoshi camping the hot spring to ensure he got an eyeful of Houtarou getting in each time?
Also Houtarou getting travel sick fits him perfectly.
I was so close to dropping this series in one of the first episodes since its only good point at that time was the superb animation, but then it came, that, that one thing that gives automatic bonus points to any series in my book. A ponytail. Im so glad I didnt drop it.