higurashi no naku koro ni 19 (meakashi 4)
Categories: anime, episodic review, higurashi
Tagged: higurashi, higurashi:sonozaki
I was a believer in life, to be myself always, and was asking whether I would be alive.

Having been caught evesdropping by Mion, Shion is in some deep shit. Mion explains to Shion that Takano and Tomitake were found dead as a result of Oyashiro-sama’s curse. Of course, I was hoping that this series would take a swerve and have Mion give Shion a kiss about now, but, alas, yet another golden opportunity blown.

Shion, though, decides to retaliate. She hatches her plan for revenge… first up, tasering Mion. Honestly, where did she hide her taser on that tight blouse/mini skirt combo of hers? I’m suddenly more interested in this puzzle than Oyashiro-sama.
(I’d be more excited about Oyashiro-sama except that the newest game claims that it will destroy your preception of whom Oyashiro-sama is. Sounds like 7th Expansion is run by a bunch of ex-Sunrise employees.)

After zapping Mion, Shion decides to take Onibaba out as well. Satoshi no tame ni! Is Shion doing this to avenge Satoshi? Or is she doing this to save her own ass? Maybe a combination of both, but chances are she just sealed her fate as well. BTW, Onibaba looked really confused waking up. She’s the mastermind of the Sonozaki estate? Seriously? Her?

Blatant false advertising. 19 episodes in and Rena has yet to lick blood off of herself. In fact, I’m not expecting to see Rena or any other killer loli this episode. Sad, hun? The most popular killer loli (according to AoMM’s poll… though if I combined both Mion and Shion’s votes… they’d be on par with Rena) has a total of six lines since Meakashi started.
(I’m rooting now for Shaft to remake Higurashi no Naku Koro ni as Higurashi?! and turn it into yet another harem show. And if it has Rena staring at Mion’s ass, all the better.)

Awesome. A foreshadowing scene that actually came true. What ever happened to Rika stabbing herself? Can you imagine this show being aired on American TV? How fast would it take for Jack Thompson to launch an anti-anime campaign after that? Two hours? Three?

Shion is kind enough to strip Mion before tossing her into the underground cell. Note that Mion doesn’t have a mark on her back and that she’s not wearing a bra. I’m not sure what piece of information is more important.

Shion taunts Mion about the cruel irony that Mion’s the one caged up. If Nelson Muntz were here, he’d be going, “Ha-ha!” right about now.

The animators are working overtime trying to keep Mion’s top from falling out of her camisole. I have a massive desire to hop into my car, drive to the local Nijiya, and purchase a loaf of melonpan.

Shion looks like a drug addict when she questions Mion about Takano’s and Tomitake’s deaths. She wonders if Tomitake was injected with a drug and if the Sonozaki goons did Takano in. Mion continues to deny knowing anything. Is it possible for me to concentrate on the conversation with the camera alternating from 90210-class Shion to Falling-Out-of-Her-Top Mion? I think not.

Shion continues to press Mion for information about Oyashiro-sama’s curse. Shion thinks it’s easy as So-no-za-ki and that her family is behind everything. Mion doesn’t agree or disagree. She does point out that she’s only Onibaba’s spokesperson, and she believes someone else is directing the action from behind the scenes. Do you believe Mion when she says that she doesn’t know anything? Who do you think this new mysterious puppetmaster is? I’m going to guess… this person.

Shion asks why Tomitake and Takano were killed by the curse if they had nothing to do with the dam project. She wonders if it was because they violated the shrine, to which Mion seems to have no prior knowledge of. It makes you wonder what Mion and Onibaba were referring to when they were talking about Tomitake and Takano earlier. Just gossip? Or Tomitake and Takano were doing something else unholy, like downloading mp3s using the temple’s wi-fi connection?

Shion correctly points out to Mion that if Oyashiro-sama’s curse is real, then wouldn’t two people need to disappear to satisfy the curse, yet two people haven’t disappeared yet? Mion surmises that it’s because four people went into the storeroom… doesn’t that mean Shion and K1 would disappear? At the end of Watanagashi, they didn’t “disappear.” Instead, I think Shion is slated to be a guest star on next week’s This Old House with Bob Villa.
(I’ll call this the first Law of Oyashiro-sama: momentum of death. Any death will be met with an equal and opposite death. At the end of Watanagashi, it kinda it with Rika, Satoko, and “Mion” in the tossed in the well category with “Shion, K1, Takano, and Tomitake” in the killed category. With Rena being the sole survivor. Until everyone gets gased. Which K1 survives. Except he ripped out his own throat after Mion and Rena injected him with something. Are we sure 7th Expansion isn’t founded by ex-Sunrise employees? Can I get some reassurance on this front?)

Having had her fun with Mion, Shion decides to move onto questioning Onibaba… she doesn’t look like she can chew her food let alone mastermind a criminal syndicate.

Shion makes a lot of horizontal looking facial gestures this episode. She is so evil this episode, she’s reminding me of Lacus. I also realize that this is probably why we don’t see a plethora of good looking Higurashi models… I can’t imagine resin-making otaku getting behind this show. Not kawaii enough. Though I’d love to see an emo facial distortion resin kit.

My gosh, she makes you rip your fingernails out, and the best revenge you can think of is to burn her?

Unfortunately, torture is kinda pointless if the person is already dead. Gee, it’s not like a taser would kill an old hag by inducing a heart attack or anything like that. But it does piss Shion off… not only does she not get to torture Onibaba, she can’t extract information out of her either.

Excellent. Shion goes on Louise-class rampage with her whip… remember when Mion told K1 that Shion was a sadist? She was right! If Louise, Shion, and Major Motoko opened up their own s&m shop, which of the three would get the most business?

Oh most excellent. Shion is still a queen of emo facial distortions. Good times… actually, Shion is starting to remind me of that witch in Bruce Campbell’s Army of Darkness who looks really hawt from far away, but once you get close, she looks like Onibaba. I’m off-topic, I know.

My gosh, is that facial contortion even possible? I’m giddy, even if my melonpanriffic Sonozaki looks more like an orc than a night elf.

(I’m going to have interesting dreams tonight. I’m debating if I should just pop two caffine pills and try to stay awake or risk falling asleep and accepting the consequences.)

Yeah, definitely, in Higurashi?!, Shion would have a whip at all times like Louise. Also, she’s wear that Angel Mort outfit more often (haven’t seen it yet this arc, which is the real crime against Oyashiro-sama), and Rena would wear a matching one. K1, of course, would die every episode much like Kenny in South Park. Rika would sport nekomimi at all times.

Shion stops her emo rampage (to my dismay) because she feels someone watching her, like what Satoshi described. Oyashiro-sama? Shion doesn’t care. She declared war. Even on Oyashiro-sama. She reminds me a lot of Keroro believing that he has a chance when he declares war on Natsumi.

With that disproportate body of hers, Mion looks like she’s been a captive for weeks, not minutes. I’m wondering if those 38DDs weigh more than the rest of her.

Shion asks Mion for the location of the secret well where the bodies are dumped before casually revealing that she wants to dump Onibaba there. Shion is just so nasty and evil this episode… she’s literally fighting evil with evil. Still, that’s all and well in Hinamizawa, but how would that fare against Amanda on Melrose or even LC on The Hills? I vote, “not as good.”

Mion asks Shion if she is seeking revenge on Onibaba for Satoshi, and Shion wonders why Satoshi was taken away from her even if she showed distinction. Right now, not only has Shion ripped out three fingernails for a boy that she has spent a total of five unappealing minutes with, she has killed her grandmother as well as locked up her twin sister. Love makes us do crazy things. Mion tries to explain that she really doesn’t know why Satoshi was taken away…

“Uso da! Uso da!”

As Shion starts pummeling the hell out of Onibaba’s crotch area. Is it corpse desecration night, and nobody informed me? Man, not even Saito gets abused this badly. Shion gives warning to Mion… “if you are telling the truth, I’ll stop tormenting you. If you lied, you’re toast.” Even if Mion were telling the truth, would Shion let her go free? How awkward would that be? I can imagine the two at the next family Thanksgiving dinner. It’ll be chillier than a table of Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and Rick Solomon.

Meanwhile, henchman Kasai calls the Sonozaki compound asking for Shion. Shion pretends to be both her and her sister and calmly explains to him that she was part of the gang that violated the storeroom. Big mistake. No one else knew about her involvement up until that point… why’d she have to share it and invite trouble? Kasai tells her that he can’t cover up something this big and that she is in serious shit. I wonder how’d he react if she told him, “Well, Onibaba’s dead and Shion’s locked up and for sale on eBay as a sex slave. I’m the new queen bee now.” Would he and the rest of the henchmen follow her? Or would a power struggle ensue?

Shion worries about this topic for a bit before realizing that she can easily just take over Mion’s spot and have people believe that Shion is the one locked up. Wouldn’t someone with a normal IQ ask about the mark on her back? Oh wait, no one on this series has anything approaching a normal IQ. She can even use this situation to her advantage by using poor K1 as bait… which seems like a common thread these days. He’s been used by Shion and Ooishi.

At school, Shion repeats a scene with K1 from Watanagashi except we know now that it is Shion. The juicy takeaway is that Mion asked K1 about seeing Shion the night before. Does this imply that Mion knew about the storeroom therefore lying to Shion earlier this episode? Honestly, I don’t care. I’m still wondering where Shion keeps a taser on that outfit of hers.
(Though I like Shion’s “You suck at lying!” thought bubble.)

Pretending to be Mion, Shion gets into the town sausage fest by making them think that Onibaba’s sick or something. This is one hell of a sausage fest… they have hot dogs, chorizos, brauts, franks, viennas, kielbasas, wieners… and Shion is the only lady there. This setup resembles more of a pr0n star trying to set a “most something record” than a murder mystery anime. (Maybe that’s why Onibaba looks so damn old.)

Shion shocks everyone by telling them that she has herpes afterwards. Ha! The joke’s on you! Actually, no. Shion shocks everyone by telling them who visited the storeroom. If Shion telling everyone is how word of the break-in occurs, how’d Mion pseudo-know during Watanagashi? Was Mion questing K1 then because she was worried if Shion was putting the moves on him, or was it because Mion knows about the storeroom then (thus making implying that she’s lying now)?

Shion invites the town elder over to pump more information out of him. Shion manages to convince him to have some leniancy on Shion and then she brings up Satoshi and learns that…

… she never performed the Distinction for Satoshi. The three nails were for her, Kasai, and her uncle. Ouch. Is Shion not giving an extra nail to Onibaba the equivalent of K1 not giving the doll to Mion? Actually, let’s go over that… didn’t Watanagashi make it seem like Mion went bat loco because of a doll? It has nothing to do with this arc or even that arc! Whether or not K1 gave it to Mion or Rena has no bearing on the outcome of Watanagashi.
(I hate stories whose endings make the previous events completely worthless. TMQ actually has a good rant on this subject last week. That’s right… Higurashi has about the same level of plot cohesiveness as a Tom Cruise movie.)

The town elder speaks ill of Satoshi, and that riles up Shion’s demon blood. She goes off into her crazy emo zone and wonders why Satoshi, who did nothing, was targeted? Just because of family? “What sin did Satoshi commit? Do I look fat in Mion’s clothes?”
Hopefully, we get to see the rest of the Watanagashi arc… I’m wondering why “Mion” pushed “Shion” off of the apartment ledge if they swapped places. Gah. My head’s going to explode, so with that, I think I’ll go off to bed after all… with dreams of melonpan fluttering in my head.
>> Can you imagine this show being aired on American TV? How fast would it take for Jack Thompson to launch an anti-anime campaign after that?
Fox should. Considering how bad Fox Kids is doing, think of how big of a hit it would be if they replaced it with Higurashi. And they’re always gluttons for controversy. lolol
Ha! I knew it was Shion back in Watanagashi!
…(Actually, I had my doubts, but it turn out to be that way)
Man, I tried to quit Higurashi, but they keep pulling me back…
“I’m still wondering where Shion keeps a taser on that outfit of hers.”
~~~~ ~~~~
Do you want the family-friendly version, or the non-family-friendly version?
In her back pocket, where it has been quite visible since the first episode of the arc? ^^
…and Jason, have faith! Just beuase there weren’t actually any killer lolis, doesn’t mean you have to dump on it all the time.
You’d think that after a few generations of this kind of thing the Sonozakis would figure out that maybe raising your children to believe that torture solves all problems, especially among relatives, isn’t the best way to promote filial devotion and clan unity.
I’m just sayin’.
what is this leading up to? What arc are we in now?! @_@; so confused.
blood licking rena will push shion out of her appartment after some awesome yuri!
>>> didn’t Watanagashi make it seem like Mion went bat >>> loco because of a doll? It has nothing to do with
>>> this arc or even that arc! Whether or not K1 gave it >>> to Mion or Rena has no bearing on the outcome of
>>> Watanagashi.
It appears that doll incident affected only Shion. When Mion was crying on her because Keichi didn’t give her that doll, Shion started to feel real jealousy. That slowly started to awaken her “demon”, which was “born†year earlier. Mion was innocent, it was Shion who went psychotic. Watanagashi and Meakashi are supposed to be the same arcs, seen from different points of view.
In my opinion, Oyashiro-sama will end up being some spirit and all of the killer lolis will band together to take him down for killing their beloved Satoshi and Keichi in the last episode but they’ll fail and the village will get gassed again… okay, maybe not.
I have no clue how to guess who Oyashiro-sama is as the whole idea of this adaption is screwed up and I’m far more content to just watch you pick at all the little faults than watch it myself.
The latest emo face contortions are just stupid… when it looks like you’re anime is going to fail, it probably is, but that doesn’t mean they should add stuff which put people off more. The original Rena ones are still my favorite.
Blatant false advertising. 19 episodes in and Rena has yet to lick blood off of herself.
Next arc Jason, like we’ve told you in every single topic on this series.
You’re performing a bold deconstruction of the ‘watch first, form opinions later’ paradigm?
Good god! Those emo face distortions…she looks like Jerry Orbach! (See Link, plz lol omg wtf bbq std!!!!!!ONE!)
Maybe Maebara is still Satoshi. Maybe when Mion did her distinction, she did it for Satoshi,Mion, and someone else.
Dude, leave Jerry alone!
>What ever happened to Rika stabbing herself?
That’s next episode since Rika was still alive in Watanagashi at this point.
>Wouldn’t someone with a normal IQ ask about the mark on her back?
I was wondering that too, but now we’ve seen both Shion’s (Angel Mort) and Mion’s (this episode) backs and neither of them seem to have a mark. I was completely thrown for a look by that – the whole mark on the back thing figured into my theory of why the police correctly identified Mion’s dead body in the well as Mion… Maybe that mysterious true heir that Mion mentioned this episdoe is the one with the mark on their back. Have we seen Rika’s back? Rena’s?
Anyways, its sort of funny to see Shion jumping to conclusions again and again this episode, with regards to what people know and such. I’m pretty sure Mion was asking K1 about who he was with at the festival out of jealousy, and the fact that Mion knew about the two deaths didn’t mean she knew the reason for them.
Looking again at the tattoo in the OP, I’m not sure Shion’s Angel Mort outfit would actually reveal it. I’m still very confused that Mion doesn’t have the tattoo though :?
The absence of the tattoo on Mion’s back might just be one of the many production mistakes in the anime adaption so far.
Best. Episode. In a damn while.
Shion is basically like a mice thrown in a snake pit and biting as hard and deadly as she is cornered. In my eyes, she is the most awesome character of the show right now.
i love the youtube haruhi-higurashi cross reference
Damn this series is picking up awesomeness again, now just more rena and a overal view of wtf is going on, or not, who cares…
LOL whoever made that Haruhi x Higurashi video is a freaking genious
Don’t say bad things about 7th Expansion. XD It’s just the anime procucers who are on those lovely Hinamizawa drugs… they can’t get enough of them, apparently.
Ninjacrat: uh, what? o_O
Just read your post on episode 20, Hinano, and I hate Shion.
Hey, it cut out some of my comment… again…
I also said “She should have just let Rika-chan kill her… or force her to kill herself… w/e”.
Why does this keep happening?
I propose the idea that Mion’s bra missing was a late attempt to add more melonpan into the show. And we know Higurashi needed it.
>>I’ll call this the first Law of Oyashiro-sama: momentum of death. Any death will be met with an equal and opposite death. At the end of Watanagashi, it kinda it with Rika, Satoko, and “Mion†in the tossed in the well category with “Shion, K1, Takano, and Tomitake†in the killed category. With Rena being the sole survivor. Until everyone gets gased. Which K1 survives. Except he ripped out his own throat after Mion and Rena injected him with something. Are we sure 7th Expansion isn’t founded by ex-Sunrise employees? Can I get some reassurance on this front?)
You’re forgetting one of the number one rules of Higurashi. That each arc is seperate from each other. Don’t try to lump them all together as if they all happened under the same timeline, cause that’s not how it is.
(I’m rooting now for Shaft to remake Higurashi no Naku Koro ni as Higurashi?! and turn it into yet another harem show. And if it has Rena staring at Mion’s ass, all the better.)
ah… you fail …..
part of the unique thing about this series IS that it’s NOT a harmen anime with tons of fan service(seems to have some yuri moments) and the lead character screwing all the girls at once.
i think…i haven’t seen much of it,but it looks promising!
Wai They dont say how violent this show is,the cute artsyle is REALLY misleading!