this post has 22 minutes
Categories: anime, commentary, fanservice, macross, moe, news
Tagged: higurashi, kanokon:chizuru, lucky star, macross frontier, macross frontier:ranka, macross frontier:sheryl, moe:broken, moe:bullying, moe:yuri, zero no tsukaima
Something to put high gas prices and skyrocketing inflation into the context of bullying and yuri.
(This Post Has 22 Minutes is a fanboy examination of noteworthy events. Some readers may not share this sense of brokenness.)

As riveted as I am about the 2008 presidential election, there’s still almost half a year to go before the actual election. I’m actually dreading the overcoverage and overexposure and even more dreading for when the race card gets played. As fun as Obama vs. McCain might be, I’m about ten times more riveted by the real election: Ranka Lee vs. Sheryl Nome.
The Ranka and Sheryl election is a great one, and we’re all wondering what the one superdelegate will do. Having great love triangles is a hallmark of the Macross franchise, and Macross Frontier does not disappoint. (Note to Clannad: this is why you don’t have an end girl who ranked behind three others. Also note that in this analogy, Klan would be Ron Paul.) Ranka and Sheryl are fairly evenly matched (as seen by the current poll), and both have their own specific appeal: Ranka’s the prototypical girl next door while Sheryl’s the turbocharged celebrity. Both of their own support bases as well, and both can appeal to multiple moe mode camps. Best part? While we have to suffer through a potential race card with Obama and McCain, we welcome the melonpan card between Ranka and Sheryl. This pick by Alto will be like Gore vs. Bush in 2000 all over again… only we don’t know which one will get fat and which one will get dumb just yet. Though seeing Ranka and Sheryl, I think Ranka has odds for being tricked into making a sleazy sex tape by a slimy director while Sheryl has odds for being the anime post-Federline Britney Spears.
(Curious websites: Why does McCain’s webpage feature a section of his photos? What undecided voter is going to go, “Hey, let’s go check out the newest McCain photos and see if we want to vote for him based on how looked at that fundraiser in Iowa”? Now if he had pictures of Kyou, then it’s a different story. Likewise curious, Obama has a blog, which he doesn’t write himself because Oharuhi knows he and McCain need their political minders to think for them, but his readers are obsessed with FIRST! and SECOND!. They also praise Obama as if he were Linux and blasted McCain as if he were Vista. I felt like I was reading Slashdot.)

From Slashdot, we learn that Verizon, Sprint, and Time Warner Cable are going to block websites featuring kiddie pr0n. My immediate thought after seeing that story was “I want to see abq’s take on this.” So, of course, instead of writing about this story, he’s writing about Steve Jobs. I don’t care if you just finished an entertaining Loli Battle… how could you do this to your readers? I’m a bit put off. It’s like there’s a huge meido story, and I write about the EuroCup instead. Though I might do this just because I’m enjoying the EuroCup so much. J/K. (But Derailed will be undergoing a huge meido event soon… aren’t you excited?)
(Logic break: How does blocking websites stop the spread of kiddie pr0n? No, seriously. Unless they start blocking MySpace, it’s not going to have much of an effect.)
Of course, the big news of the gadget world this week is Steve Jobs-related and the disappointing iPhone 2 is here. Why disappointing? Being tied to AT&T’s wooden torture horse for two years is one reason… the second would be that it’s no iSlug. Remember when Macross first hit the scene (oops, I forgot that most of my readers probably weren’t even fetuses then), the big thing was the variable geometry fighters. Yeah, transforming mecha isn’t new, but they really struck a cord with the futuristic F-14 Tomcat-based aesthetics (note: the F-14 has been retired by the US military… years ago) as well as the three different fighting modes. It was literally the iPod of the 1980 anime generation.
Well, since then, has it evolved? Not really. Since they hit a home run with the VF-1, the variable fighters of the Macross world has been just staying par for the course, leading to the dreadful guitar ship as well as uninspired VF-25. Meanwhile, I think the biggest mechanical device impact from Macross Frontier is not the VF-25 or even Sheryl’s S&M bondage morphing dress but Ranka’s slug cell phone, which I’ve been calling the iSlug. What teenaged girl, Macross fan, Ranka supporter, or gadget geek wouldn’t want one? How isn’t an iSlug a generational leap from an iPhone like how the VF-1 was from a Tomcat? I hope someone is smart enough to try to capitalize on making an iSlug… I know I’d get one. Hell, I’d even put My Boyfriend Is A Pilot as my ringtone. Kyunn kyuun~~
(Mitigating factor: Twenty years from now when the iSlug has come and gone like the popularity of the Motorola RAZR, the Macross franchise will keep on parading out iSlug cell phones and Tomcat-based fighters. Oharuhi bless the recycled plots and motifs of anime… I really shouldn’t be dissing th– LOL FANG-TAN JUST SHOOT ME KILLER LOLIS OH GEASS NO YES WE CAN YEP THESE ARE MY READERS.)
I laughed (I know I shouldn’t, but I did) at the South Korean beef crisis. Is it 1980 again? Gas crisis and where’s the beef jokes? The funniest part is how fast idiotic misinformation spread. Bad tomatoes? Yes. Mad cow? No. The US equivalent to this crisis has to be 4chan stopping the import of Japanese cars because they’re used to traffic underaged sex slaves into Massachusetts and cause Toyota and Honda stock to plummet overnight with their CEOs apologizing for not having anti-underaged sex slave technology in their cars. Come to think of it, why don’t Japanese cars have anti-underaged sex slave technology built into them… mmm…
An interesting story (that I don’t have a link for, sorry) occurred earlier in the week, Jim Rome had on one of Greg Maddox‘s pitching coaches for an interview. His coach revealed a story about how once Greg Maddox got a raging boner while pitching and had to call time out. When the pitching coach arrived at the mound, he asked Greg what was wrong, and Greg told him to stand in front of him because he was aroused. Needless to say, I screamed “OH GEASS NO!” while stuck in traffic on US101. After a while, I thought about it, and wondered how the hell does Kouta fend off Chizuru. Really puzzling. I’m down to just two possibilities: he’s gay or he’s really a trap. I can’t think of any other situation where he wouldn’t have just completely lost his composure.
Lastly, knowing Rome’s listeners are basically the sports equivalent of Derailed’s readers, instead of the NBA, Stanley Cup, or the EuroCup playoffs, the show focused either on Maddox’s raging wang or former Chicago Bull’s player Jason Caffey’s ten kids. That’s ten kids. With eight moms. It’s like Karin Aoi’s worst nightmare. But let’s welcome Caffey to the Wilt Chamberlain All-Stars, and I’m not talking about basketball.
(The Derailed equivalent would be how quickly a normal post gets hijacked by genderbendering. Whoop, probably shouldn’t have posted this image then.)
So I’m in my car thinking, “Hey, what anime character could pull this off? Have ten kids with eight different women?” Tomoya? Kyou, Ryou, Nagisa, Tomoyo, and Kotomi only five (they might also not mind sharing Tomoya). Since Fuko’s in a coma or whatnot, it’ll be really creepy if they had kids, so she’s out. Sunohara’s not capable of having children. I don’t think Sanae, Mei, or Yukine would agree to be numbers one, two, or three let alone six, seven, or eight. So let’s say five for Tomoya.
Assuming Lulu is interested in women, there’s potentially Kallen, C.C., Sumeragi, and Shirley. Nunnally is out, since she’s most likely carrying Suzaku’s child. Tian-Zi is a maybe, but I think we need to see how the next few episodes turn out. Or assuming Lloyd is interested in women, he could potentially score Cecile, Millay, and Anya (a stretch, but he could bribe her with an iSlug).
Hmmm… I thought what if Hayate took Maria’s advice and (eventually) scored all the girls? It’s going to be very comedic with all the tsunderes, but Nagi, Maria, Izumi, Hinagiku, Nabeshin, and Nishizawa are all possibles, but that’s only six, and even if Tama were a girl, it’s still the wrong species.
Then I went “SNAP!” Hakuoro! Eruru, Yuzuha, Carrier Has Arrived, Touka, Urutori, Kamyu, and Kuuya. That’s seven already, and all IIRC were scoreable in the game. (Damn, why doesn’t my dictionary have an entry for “scoreable”?) He just needs to knock up one of the Aruru or Oboro choices to get eight. But Oboro’s a guy, and Aruru is a maybe, since it’s a special unlockable.
But I think the most likely is Zero no Tsukaima‘s Saito. Louise, Kirche, Tabitha, and Cattleya are all possible with a little work on Saito’s behalf. Then he just needs to drop his pants for Siesta (who just said “YES!” faster than Kallen said “YES!” to Lulu), Henrietta, Jessica, and Tiffania (greatest haremette stripper name ever). That’s it. That’s 8. Assuming he survives Louise at the end. Can you think of any other anime characters who could logically father 10 kids by 8 women?
Anyway, we’re out of time, and we haven’t even gotten to $5 a gallon gas yet.
>>this is why you don’t have an end girl who ranked behind three others.
You know, I don’t think that Favorite Clannad Character Poll of yours existed when Key made Clannad back in 2004…
I, for one, think Nagisa is adorable, but that’s me.
Okay, I laughed.
>>I don’t think Sanae, Mei, or Yukine would agree to be numbers one, two, or three
Amusingly, in the game, Tomoya can date Yukine and Mei (technically). Sanae is, of course, out, but Tomoya can embark on a sort-of relationship with Misae, so Tomoya could indeed have 10 kids with 8 different women.
Doesn’t this make you want to do that live blog on Clannad now? >_>
I think this post unequivocally proves that, aside from anime, and possibly the rise of gas prices and its obvious effect on the stock market (I work for a brokerage firm), most of what Jason said flew past me. Sorry, professional sports ain’t my thing.
And Jason, I’d think that Macross Frontier would me more pseudo-yuri than anything else, as Alto *does* have a history playing females (as a Kabuki actor), and indeed is famous for it (as seen in episode 10 of Frontier). A little make-up, a good wardrobe selection, and presto! Many wouldn’t realize that Alto had a package to begin with…
>>> Can you think of any other anime characters who could logically father 10 kids by 8 women?
Well, let’s see.
#1 Moroboshi Ataru: His goal was 1000 women and I believe more than 1000 women did hit him.
#2 Minakami Wataru: He lived with 13 girls, and imagine if his mother actually had him by another man ( This is very possible considering his father’s inability to produce ‘y’ sperms )
#3 Negi Springfield: Now, how many girls were there?
#4 Asakura Juunichi:
#5 Tsuchimi Rin
Sorry. Did Jason say something? I was distracted. I did catch something about Siesta saying “YES!”, but there is no picture to back up this claim.
Forgot Ohgami Ichiro from Sakura Wars
And why was there no mention of Miyanokouji Mizuho from Otome wa Boku?
Source: http://forums.animesuki.com/sh.....stcount=52
Jason, thank you. Just, thank you.
>>> I laughed (I know I shouldn’t, but I did) at the South Korean beef crisis. Is it 1980 again? Gas crisis and where’s the beef jokes? The funniest part is how fast idiotic misinformation spread. Bad tomatoes? Yes. Mad cow? No. The US equivalent to this crisis has to be 4chan stopping the import of Japanese cars because they’re used to traffic underaged sex slaves into Massachusetts and cause Toyota and Honda stock to plummet overnight with their CEOs apologizing for not having anti-underaged sex slave technology in their cars. Come to think of it, why don’t Japanese cars have anti-underaged sex slave technology built into them… mmm…
You are seriously misinformed by the media. The protest was merely sparked by the beef treaty, in which the president ‘over-generously’ asked to import many beef products that wasn’t in the talks before, so he could let those Korean retailers in USA buy industrial-use beef and sell them in Korea as highest premium grade beef for very fat profit margin. The true nature of the protest is about the Korean government’s refusal to change policies that will benefit only the wealthiest 1% of the population while doing catastrophic large scale irrevocable damage to the environment in and around Korea. You yourself laughed at the all the fuss that was supposed to be made about the beef. Should you not have wondered whether there was more to the story than written? The real beef here is that there were many many issues that had Korean populace disgruntled and the beef issue was the needle that broke the camel’s back. Most media now has the Korean President’s approval rating at lower than 20% but they strive to paint the whole issue as ignorant savages’ protest against imaginary threat which us manufactured by foreign powers seeking to topple the Korean government.
In western media, for some reason, there has been massive push to paint the protesters as stupid herd followers. The impression I get from many of the articles is that it is written and lauded by people who are in fact racist grabbing this opportunity to point out the idiocy of the colored people and cracking their whip on these colored folks who should follow their order like good slaves. The articles may not feel this radical, but if read the comment and you will discover huge amount of bigotry disguised as patriotism or denunciation of falsehood.
Therefore, I am demanding an direct apology from Jason for belittling millions of Koreans who are fighting to get their voice heard through all the lies and hypocrisy of majority of the media throughout the world. I need to make a note that figure of 1 million is estimated number of protested throughout entire Korea for June 10th, which is an important day for history of democracy in Korea.
From iphones/iSlugs to how many kids can a dude have with x # of chicks.
I couldn’t remember off the top of my head how this started off after I had finished reading the end.
How do you do it?
>>Okay, I laughed.
Me too.
Think I remember hearing that Rome broadcast, myself, or maybe he was talking about it later in the broadcast. I lol’ed. His audience and this one are indeed not dissimilar. I’m waiting for him to bust out a “Yep, these are my clones.”
I second the Negi Springfield suggestion. Granted, one of the students is a robot, one is a ghost, one is a 600-year-old vampire with 10-year-old-sex organs, and one is his great-granddaughter (not a problem for some), but he’s still got 27 other students, and all 27 of them are hot for him in one way or another. That’s not even counting the obligatory osananajimi and the scads of other ambient tail he’s around all the time (this is an Akamatsu manga, after all). Granted, he’s only 10, and is going to need a few years before he’s…er…physically able, as suggested in at least one scene in the manga (NSFW, with punchline of the joke on the next page), but once puberty hits, I can see at least 8 kids, easy.
…Sorry, was staring at the right side of the last pic for 22 minutes. What was this post about again?
Easy Negi has like 27 potential suiters who try to rape him daily when he isn’t out saving the world. Just gotta wait till HE can have kids, being he’s only 10.
Hum… islug… That can be marketed fairly well, a water, drop, dust proof device. That features 3d multi touch. Well the device is plausable, we have flexable LCD screens just not currently used, but the technology is there.we can do wireless charging which the technology to use a charger w/o direct contact is also there. We can suspend the electronics in Engineering fluid. and the multitouch interference we have to work something out. Only problem is it’s to big, current trend is smaller the better.
I’m thinking the ISPs are just blocking usernet so they can stop another form of filesharing.
1) Yukine is a cover girl, and has her own path. Even if I’m wrong and she doesn’t have a path, her scripts are seperate just like the other Heroines, so in my opinion, she is highly scoreable.
2) Oboro is unavailable because he belongs to the Twin Hole Brothers. Hakuoro even gave him to them. As for Hakuro, the only girl he goes after of his own initiative is Eruru. All the other girls you listed assault him. Many with the explicit intention of bearing his child. Yuzuha wants to bear his child in order to “leave proof of her existence”. Touka wants to bear his child because “it’s her duty as a female Evenkruga to bear her master’s child.” Also, you forgot to mention Kagura, who sells herself, body and soul to him in a contract agreement. So not only is Hakuoro capable of doing that, he have already DONE it. Would certainly not be a surprise.
>>Okay, I laughed.
>>Me too.
Me three.
Forgot to mention Sakuya: Kuuya’s attendant (her Evenkruga’s daughter). Sakuya has her tendons sliced by her father so she can’t move very well. So she is another you could add to Hakuoro’s scoreable list, though she doesn’t have sex with him in the game.
Hi Jason,
Did you said something?
Ohh.. pretty pictures…
No Kaguya X TianZi?
Why does the first picture turn me on the most?
I need help…
Surely Makoto Ito from School Days is closest to achieving it. Heck he had sex with like 7~ girls already in a mere 12 episodes. Admittedly he got himself killed too, but if he had just managed to live a little longer he was well on his way tbh. All other harem leads aren’t bastard enough to be stringing along 8 women at the same time so even if they have 100 girls around them constantly, they’d never actually do anything with them all.
>>I need help…
Not really, some people prefer to CENSOR THEIR LOVE.
I second Makoto, if anyone had the motive and opportunity to have 8 baby-mamma’s it would be him. In fact Sekai + Kotonoha + Otome + Hikari + Setsuna + Triplets = Mission Complete. Then you could toss in the athletic chick, Kokoro, Sekai’s mom and possibly even his own mom for an even more epic harem.
In other news, go Sheryl.
I’d say Ikuto from Nagasarete Airantou would have the best odds for 10 kids with 8 women. There were 7 girls who clearly wanted him and Mei-Mei would make 8. On an entire island populated by women with one man, who knows how many others there would be?
Your an terrible person for putting that link to abq up.
I was discussed but I could not look away. I think I knew that I was going to hell when I got to the poll that asked “What would Jesus hump” and I laughted.
Wontaek make a joke about twincest, symmetrical docking, or traps (which seem to be so popular right now) Otherwise no one here cares. They have political site for that kind of stuff.
Vandread had enough females and even so maids in the ammunitions storage room. The main problem is that most of them are hard core lesbos.
I’m sure Simon could of had all the girls in the GL brigade if he wanted too. Definitely a new meaning for “my drill will pierce the heavens”.
>> I think this post unequivocally proves that, aside from anime, and possibly the rise of gas prices and its obvious effect on the stock market (I work for a brokerage firm), most of what Jason said flew past me.
Well, the first 2/3rds of the post was about Obama, McCain, beef, and kiddie pr0n… only one paragraph was about Greg Maddox’s raging wang. And, of course, out of 20 comments, zero about Obama or McCain.
>> I’d say Ikuto from Nagasarete Airantou would have the best odds for 10 kids with 8 women.
I’d say a strong possibility it could happen, but there’s a slight unknown that Suzu has some murderous intent in her, so Ikuto might not live that long. I disqualified Maebara under this principle: he won’t live long enough to see 10 kids let alone 1. Makoto’s the same way… hell, he literally didn’t make it to 1. But he does have a nice boat.
>> You are seriously misinformed by the media. The protest was merely sparked by the beef treaty, in which the president ‘over-generously’ asked to import many beef products that wasn’t in the talks before
LOL, if Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, and Korean Herald are reporting the same thing, then it’s probably accurate. If it were just Fox News, I’d be weary. Unless you produce a link to a legit news source (i.e. not someone’s blog) or tons of Siesta x Henrietta pictures, you have no credibility on your claims.
>> I’m thinking the ISPs are just blocking usernet so they can stop another form of filesharing.
They’ve shut down their usenet servers for a while, which is why services like Giganews are around. They’re really not doing it for any moral reason… just to save money. I heard AT&T complain that even though their network traffic increased 60% last year, their revenue hasn’t. This is why the new iPhone 2 plan costs $10 a month more, yet AT&T barely offers 3G coverage across America. Just a devious plan by the cattle industry to gouge Koreans, I say. (It’s fun being a conspiracist. You eventually believe what you say…)
>> Why does the first picture turn me on the most?
At least it wasn’t the second to last one.
>> …Sorry, was staring at the right side of the last pic for 22 minutes. What was this post about again?
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya episode 1, I think.
I think Aruruu is a definite in Hakuoro+8. How could any man not do Aruruu?
People are overestimating Negi’s harem. It’s still big, but only about half the class actually wants to jump him. Madoka and Natsumi are both hot for Kotarou. Ayaka, despite her shoutacon tendencies, actually sees Negi as a little brother; as do Kaede and Akira. Satsuki and Satome appear to have their interests more focused on other things and are almost asexual. Mana still hasn’t gotten over her dead boyfriend. Sayo is dead herself, and mostly just wants a friend anyway. Kazumi just likes teasing him, but isn’t really interested. Misora and the twins are too childish right now to be interested, although since Negi’s gotta grow up some, that might change. And there’s Zazie, who’s just… something.
So for Negi’s actual potentials we’ve got:
Yue and Nodoka (possible threesome)
Konoka and Setsuna (another possible threesome)
Asuna (maybe)
Makie (who has actually tried to grab his penis)
Chachamaru (she may be a robot, but with technology and magic used to create her, I wouldn’t discount the possibility that she could get pregnant)
Haruna (who would do it to mess with Yue and Nodoka, then immortalize the event in doujin form)
Chisame (she’s safely past the possibility of going crazy and killing him first now)
Ku Fei (tenuous argument as Chao’s other ancestor)
Chizuru (behind only Nodoka, Yue, and Eva in ero score for Negi)
Ako (except she doesn’t know it’s him)
Yuna, Sakurako, and Misa (reverse Hikaru Genji project)
Eva (except she would prefer his dad and probably can’t have children)
So it’s more like 17 than 27.
As for Hakuoro, you forgot the chick from the flashback. I can’t remember her name, but it had something to do with numbers.
Nagisa’s low poll ranking isn’t because she’s that bad, it’s because Kyou is that good. Put Nagisa is a typical crappy harem series like H20 and she would have won.
Hakuoro never scored Kuuya. I was super disappointed he didn’t, ’cause bunny girls are the best. But then again, nobody wants mental trauma in their cake.
I think of Nagisa as a believable end girl. A healthy slowly build up relationship. All guys have guys that they want at that age and Tomoyo and Kyou fit those types well. Nagisa is the one most will be happy to have in the end. She’s fairly nice looking (especially if she ages like her mom), and would probably be a fairly reasonable person to grow old with.
Kyou would be constantly damaging the walls with her dictionaries. Especially if she takes out her fustrations at her students out on Tomoya. (Of course if she allows Ryou to be involved, well then at least those first 10 to 20 years will be enjoyable)
Tomoyo may be a good choice, but the question is being able to stay together for decades. I’m not sure if they can.
Dorcas_Aurelia said:
“So it’s more like 17 than 27.
Like it matters. Still way more than 8. And as I mentioned, that’s just his students.
Kyonko? Itsuko? Haruki? Mitsuuru? Yuuki? Tsuruyo? I HAVE FOUND THE HAVEN OF GENDERBENDING BROKEN-NESS
Hanaukyo Maid Team, La Verite. Five hundred hawt maids, all devoted to their master, Taro. At least 40 of them are tasked with bathing Taro — using only their naked bodies. At least three maids whose specific job it is to sleep/have sex with him. A head maid that was, um, that’s a spoiler. But she definitely counts!
I think we can discount Konoe (she treats him more like a kid brother) Sanae (eyes only for Konoe) Ikuyo (doujins and tech are her only interests), and Grace/Cynthia (Grace is too innocent, and Cynthia is more interested in her computers). Add in Ryuka, the tsundere self-bethrothed. That should give us 497 possibilities, which is a good 480-woman lead.
And they’re ALL meido.
Negi who?
>>Put Nagisa is a typical crappy harem series like H20 and she would have won.
>>She’s fairly nice looking (especially if she ages like her mom), and would probably be a fairly reasonable person to grow old with.
She does age like her mom, actually. She also ends up with the same hairstyle. Mmm, ponytail.
>>Tomoyo may be a good choice, but the question is being able to stay together for decades. I’m not sure if they can.
Your answer lies in Tomoyo After.
Are you familiar with Sekirei?
Currently the male lead has 6 ‘winged’ women, and is in the process of getting a 7th via a man being turned into a woman merely by attraction to the male lead. It’s basically a polygamyist’s wet dream.
Your 22 minutes needs more commercials for the full half hour.
In the links you have provided
But as demonstrations have grown they have become a lightening rod for more widespread opposition to Lee’s rule.
On Tuesday a union representing 13,000 lorry drivers and transport workers announced it was calling a strike in protest against soaring oil prices.
He said the protesters ranged from schoolchildren to activists to public-sector workers, and that the protests were not solely concerned with beef imports, but also covered a number of other issues including the government’s plans to privatise sections of industry.
“This is clearly a struggle for democracy – who will make the decisions for the welfare of the people?” asked Mr Park.
Lee has been criticized for concentrating on policies which benefit large businesses, which he regards as the locomotive of economic growth. His aides and ministers were also under fire for their questionable ways of accumulating wealth.
After weeks of protests stirred by the government’s decision to resume U.S. beef imports, the administration decided to delay Lee’s flagship pledges to build a cross-country canal system and to privatize bloated public companies.
My comment
#1 Please note that they all say protest started because of beef business, not is solely about the beef
#2 I’m one of thousands of Koreans who are protesting blatantly biased foreign reports which only reposts the newspaper articles by the 3 main pro-right newspapers, all three of which are target of mass boycott in Korea. Korea Herald has long known to be mouthpiece of the DICTATORS and their lackeys in Korea, thus nobody in Korea gives any credence to them. This is a paper that reported that Korea succeeded in developing COLD Fusion, which they never retracted and was one of major support of Hwang Woo-suk, vigorously defending him and still tries to make him look better ( 1. Disgraced scientist Hwang in U.S. pet cloning , business ,Korea’s disgraced cloning expert Hwang Woo-suk has partnered with a California company to start an animal-cloning business, the Ne…
). To tell the truth, believing in Korea herald is little better than believing on the tabloids beside supermarket counters.
#3 If you read the Korean text in the pictures and videos you have linked, none of it is about the beef, but about other issues.
#4 I have started my argument by mentioning that mass media is deliberately spreading falsehood concerning the protest, diminishing the real issues while enlargening what can be attacked. I appeal to your intellect You have thought that it was funny that people would make that much fuss about something that doesn’t have much ‘beef’. Why can’t you consider that your original impression is correct and it is much more than just about the beef?
#5 Right now, the biggest Protest issue in Korea is boycotting of the 3 main pro-right newspaper who have repeated wrote lies on their front page. It is not about the beef anymore. It is about upholding the truth against journalists who strive to distort the truth. The English-speaking journalists have been mainly listening to these corrupted Korean journalists, not understanding what is being said and written in Korean in the streets. For these reasons and many other, I still believe Jason owes apologies to millions of Koreans who had no choice but take to the streets to let the world know that these biased journalists are spreading falsehood. Have it not occurred to you that due to lack of knowledge of Korean in English world, any news from Korea will come first by the sources controlled by the big business in Korea who really hates the protesters?
Why am I writing this here? If you don’t confront wrong information when you see it, you are letting it spread and do more harm. Would you not do the same if someone wrote something false about social justices and racial relationships that you have intimate knowledge of?
>>All guys have guys that they want at that age and Tomoyo and Kyou fit those types well.
Unintentional traptastic truth?
I’ll claim typing under the influence of Miyanokouji Mizuho. And not being completely awake while typing.
ug leme see if i can retype this the damn filter jiped me…
8 women 1 man and 10 babies? Tenchi Masaki. (I’ll stick to the ova) (1) Ryoko (2) Ayeka and (3) Mihoshi are sure bets. He can get three in one go if he finds Ayeka’s alcohol tolerance breaking point. Only question in the group is if he’ll be comfortable scoring Mihoshi who’s basically retarded. He also has a good chance of scoring all 3 of the Goddess sisters. He has an in with two of their earthly avatars (4) Washu, and (5) Sasami, and (6) Tsunade has been stalking him for years so she might well go for it. Kiyone is disqualifed of course (the one from the tv seris not his mom…ok but yea his immediate family in general is disqualified. Don’t even try pulling out the Jurain royal family tree on this one I garontee you’ll be creeped out), but (7) Seto Jurai is a go. If he gets with the 3 sisters he’s already in ancient milf territory he might as well add one more. And he can round out his spree with the weird female (8) Kagato clone that likes to call him oni-chan. (no i’m not making this up watch the 3rd ova)
He’s played the religion card:
Which I found atrocious, given that the United States was by no means founded on Christian principles. Of course, the entirety of digg was with me, but unfortunately, the entirety of the south of the US just found reason enough to vote for him. Ugh.
Ooooopss. My sincerest apology. My computer was having serious refresh issue. I ask to disregard my last post. If possible, please erase http://derailedbydarry.com/arc.....ent-161299
Tohno Shiki:
This guy is such a bastard.
btw the first pic. Is that greko roman wrestling? Could we get an Olympic sport for this? I mean hell they give out medals for curling…
Reading your posts when drunk is the pinnacle of human evolution. I srsly dont hink it cun get bettrer then this.
Just passing by, and even though it’s not related, I just got to watch the anime Gurren Lagann recently, and got to the part where Kamina kicks the bucket… and I was like…
sorry for non-relation to the post, but I was just making sure you had a “yep, these are my readers” moment of the day.
argh I think I just missed a spoiler tag up there. Terribly sorry.
Sorry for repeated posting about this, but I have found a better spokesman about the Korean Protest than I.
Sound Off: Your opinions and comments
updated 43 minutes ago
As an American citizen currently living in Korea, I’ve been disappointed by the poor quality of the Western news reports regarding the ongoing protests. The stories I’ve seen from Western media sources give the impre …more
As an American citizen currently living in Korea, I’ve been disappointed by the poor quality of the Western news reports regarding the ongoing protests. The stories I’ve seen from Western media sources give the impression that these protests are primarily driven by fears over the safety of US beef. Such reports misrepresent the protest movement.
While fears over US beef may have been the spark that set this movement ablaze, the movement itself is not about beef. It is a broad indictment of President Lee’s controversial conservative agenda.
This protest movement is being fueled by concerns about health care, social welfare, educational policy and President Lee’s blatant disregard for the well-being of common working-class Koreans. Ultimately, this movement has far more to do with class issues than US beef.
>> After a while, I thought about it, and wondered how the hell does Kouta fend off Chizuru. Really puzzling. I’m down to just two possibilities: he’s gay or he’s really a trap. I can’t think of any other situation where he wouldn’t have just completely lost his composure.
… I said Kouta had to be gay not to respond in the way you’d expect a heterosexual male to respond, and y’all ridiculed me. And now, because a sports figure said something, now Jason believes me.
Maybe I need to get my own sports talk show…
>> Only problem is it’s to big, current trend is smaller the better.
Problem there – the reason smartphones are bigger than current fashion or ‘simple’ phones is because you need more power to handle the CPU’s ability to do more tasks… and because the interface (touchscreen or keyboard) requires more room for your merely human fingers to work. The iSlug is the perfect size, or nearly the perfect size, IMO – big enough to contain a good-sized power source, large enough to manipulate easily and allow things like paw-earphones and a good-sized screen and virtual keyboard, and cute enough to be marketed to young girls.
>> And why was there no mention of Miyanokouji Mizuho from Otome wa Boku?
Because Mizuho broke Jason two years ago, and between him and Jun Watarase derailed him from the path of normality. Mako-cakes was only the icing on that cake… which
RyokoRyuushi Shiratori put into the oven a few years back. On top of other traps, but they’re the more recent crop.I second Tohno Shiki, except he didn’t get Sacchin, and turned her down for the most part. But hey, the remake is supposedly promising a Sacchin route… if it doesn’t get changed.
And wouldn’t that be sad, Sacchin?
I still think it’s a Frog phone. Why? Slugs don’t have legs, frogs do.
I wonder if any non-Canadians get the title of this post…
>>> Can you think of any other anime characters who could logically father 10 kids by 8 women?
I’m surprised you left the Kanon series untouched, what about Yuuichi?
You have delicious Sayuri & Mai combination, there’s the sisters Shiori & Kaori (though Jun might backstab Yuuichi before that happens, or worse, go with the “if you can’t beat them, join em” mentality and try to get dibs), then theres Makoto & Amano, and we absolutely can’t forget Nayuki goodness. Finally last (and certainly least too), we can throw in a Ayu, though I can already see a divorce on Yuuichi’s part because the first words out of their kids is going to be “uguu”, and it’ll just be too much for him to handle.
But yea, thats 8, and thats not even considering Akiko.
>> Hanaukyo Maid Team, La Verite. Five hundred hawt maids, all devoted to their master, Taro.
Welcome Taro to the Jason Caffey All Stars!
>> Tohno Shiki
If we’re talking just anime, he doesn’t make it. If we’re including the game as well as Melty Blood, then yes. But I think they’ll end up killing each other.
>> Tenchi Masaki
Iffy. If you have to stretch it to include a clone or a really minor character, it doesn’t cut it. It has to be reasonable that (a) she’ll carry his child to term (b) she’ll carry his child to term knowing that 7 others are doing the same and (c) won’t stab any of them
>> Are you familiar with Sekirei? Currently the male lead has 6 ‘winged’ women, and is in the process of getting a 7th via a man being turned into a woman merely by attraction to the male lead. It’s basically a polygamyist’s wet dream.
Are you asking me to blog this series, or are you asking if he qualifies for the Jason Caffey All Stars?
>> … I said Kouta had to be gay not to respond in the way you’d expect a heterosexual male to respond, and y’all ridiculed me. And now, because a sports figure said something, now Jason believes me.
I also watched more episodes. That show raises my blood pressure, but the melonpan to DFC conversion was interesting.
>> Nagisa’s low poll ranking isn’t because she’s that bad, it’s because Kyou is that good. Put Nagisa is a typical crappy harem series like H20 and she would have won.
See, that’s what I mean. Key does a great job of making some great haremettes, but they don’t use them as the end girls. It’s like if Boston decides to bench KG for Leon Powe in the final minutes of a tight game. It’s not that Powe is bad, it’s just that YOU HAVE FRICKIN’ KG!!!
(H20 has craptastic characters. You could put Haess in a blonde wig as the end girl, and it would have been a huge improvement.)
>> Hakuoro never scored Kuuya. I was super disappointed he didn’t, ’cause bunny girls are the best. But then again, nobody wants mental trauma in their cake.
Agreed. Great for anime and visual novels; not so great in real life.
>> I wonder if any non-Canadians get the title of this post…
Apparently not, someone just dissed curling.
>> btw the first pic. Is that greko roman wrestling? Could we get an Olympic sport for this? I mean hell they give out medals for curling…
Oh man, Canadians, you gonna take that?
(Canadians are awesome. Tim Horton’s 4tw.)
>> sorry for non-relation to the post, but I was just making sure you had a “yep, these are my readers†moment of the day.
Doh! You were late… by one comment…
>> Reading your posts when drunk is the pinnacle of human evolution. I srsly dont hink it cun get bettrer then this.
Yep… these are my readers.
<<Sanae is, of course, out
Is that what you think? Heh in Afterstory it seems closer than you think, Tomoya repeatedly declares his love for her and she responds with a thank you XD. There’s even a kiss/hug scene in Sanae’s route and someone thinking she’s Tomoya’s girlfriend. Not only that, they go out on a date (twice). During new years Sanae gets drunk and exclaims, “Can I get drunk and attack him?” (EXACT WORDS). Naigsa starts panicking and telling her she has Akio but Sanae’s all noooo I want Tomoya too! If you choose to choices where you say you don’t like Sanae she starts to cry lol……..
I remember that interview.
Man Jason, you must LOVE to blog.
Okay, I seriously need to play After Story now.
God, Nagisa’s parents are epic lulz.
Imagine the sway of Barack Obama over voting fanboys if instead of “Yes we can!”, he uses instead “nyoro~n nyoro~n” at the end of each of his sentence and uses the pics of delicious thigh meat of Kyou-Ryou and Tomoyo for his slogans …^^
Again, there’s still Kuuya’s bunny-eared attendant. And the flashback girl is the prototype for the race of peoples that eventually led to the birth of Eruru from Hakuoro’s past life. So yes, he already did her. Probably a lot.
Btw, why has there been no mention of the pending Clannad extra yet?
Beowulf Lee… The USA is most definitley founded on Christian principles and belief…you may not like it, and people may want to rewrite history leaving out certain parts but you know very little about how our country was founded….
Sorry for my ignorance, but wasn’t the United States founded on Puritan principles and beliefs?
You know, the guys who outlawed fun?
Yes. We’ve gotten better is some states. Others, not so much.
Voodoo: I thought it was founded by people who’d fled repression from the powers-that-be who had a DIFFERENT religion from theirs, which was why the Founding Fathers decreed a separation between Church and State to avoid the same thing happening in the United States of America as happened in England with the King of England basically being both High Priest as well as Temporal Lord in the same position?
Aka: religious wars breaking out in the United States the way they broke out in places like… oh… say, the Middle East or in Ireland.
… and let us not forget that many of the Founding Fathers in question were Deists; Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton… and quite probably George Washington himself, which means they believed in God, or a God… but not necessarily the same one the Puritans did, or that you do… much less the Southern Baptists’ “brimstone and fire, take the heathens” one.
Deism =/= Judeo-Christianity, no more than Judeo-Christianity = Judaism = Islam.
^— Haesslich, derailing posts since 2001.
Are we at this point yet?
“Epic post is epic”
What was this post about again? I forgot. And I wrote it.
Jason: why hallo thar, random shota. Needs a hair clip to be Mwko-cake’s versus Makoto.
A: Curling occurs in WI I’ve seen it and said “FTF mate? gold medals for this? fer real?” Followed by; “Can’t we go bowling?”
B: I should note that the Emperor of Jurai is traditionally a polygamist role, and the more kids he has the better. Tenchi is genetically (and power ranking) in line for the throne, so yea over the course of his life (several hundred years seems to be the life span even for a hybrid) 8 ladies and 10 babies isn’t a far fetch.
C: Female midget greko roman wrestling with would be the dogs bullocks and you know it.
D: I’d like to hear what dragon thinks about all this +P
“Minami-ki: Return of the Trap” By Studio DEEN.
This is the best post I’ve ever read.
>>> Hmmm… I thought what if Hayate took Maria’s advice and (eventually) scored all the girls? It’s going to be very comedic with all the tsunderes, but Nagi, Maria, Izumi, Hinagiku, Nabeshin, and Nishizawa are all possibles, but that’s only six, and even if Tama were a girl, it’s still the wrong species.
You forgot to mention klaus. Though this would require gender-bended hayate instead, which is a possible route since 1)hayate blush after saved from drowning by the old fart (ch 51), 2) klaus imagined hayate as a wife (ch 15) and klaus also shows tremendous attraction towards cross-dressed hayate (ch 8). Though if hayate’s gender-bended, he can’t make babies with the other girls. Maybe they should make hayate futanari instead, now that’s a whole other option right there.
Also, as befitting a role voiced by Kugimiya Rie, Nagi has threatened both Haywte and other proposed haremettes with death, including planning to nuke Nishizawa until Maria hastily talked her out of it, and if not for Hayate’s super toughness, he would’ve died several times over from Nagi’s beatings by now. That’s why Maria was prompting him to make a choice in the snimr – she knew the Shuffle solution was impossible end wanted him to realize that.
Take Maria, she’s worth getting nuked over.
>> Take Maria, she’s worth getting nuked over.
No, no, NO. First, get the control codes for REQUIEM, then take Maria. And make sure you take away Nagi’s control methods for her other bodyguards.
Just how much firepower does a little girl need in a country that has a ban/stigma on nuclear weapons.
Umm… in the manga, she was ready to use the REQUIEM cannon to nuke Nishizawa’s apartments, and the Nishizawa family’s powerful enough to have a few dozen square kilometers of land in Tokyo all to itself. She also has a good control of the satellite and communications industries. And she has enough money that wasting millions is more the matter of whim than something that requires financial advisors to calculate the impact to her checkbook (aka: not worth talking about).
And she’s beaten Hayate badly enough that he would’ve died if not for his superhuman toughness. There’s a reason she’s voiced by Kugimiya Rie…
And the Sanzenin family’s powerful enough, even. Stupid Ayumi, having the same last name as Momoka Nishizawa, who fulfills a similar role in Keroro.
That is why the tsundere archetype should never be taken that far.
Maria is still worth it.
So you’d condemn Maria to death too? Cause the death of a meido supreme due to your lack of foresight? What sort of monster are you?? The sort that deserves only death at Sonozaki hands via nails through the eyes and mutilation.
Given that Jason was/is a meido fancier, I suspect he’d be disappointed in your “let Maria die because death with her at Nagi’s hands is a good death for us both” attitude. Savage.
Heh heh.
If Nagi goes that far, it would be the death of millions probably.
Besides, Maria could talk her way out the death. Tell Nagi it is leasons for her and Hayate. Maria as sex coach.
Um, she would’ve taken out the apartment block, not Tokyo. Dozens, not millions, especially as everyne for the most part was at work or school. Second, in volume one of the manga, Nagi explicitly said that Hayate would die if be laid so much as a finger on Maria, which means the ‘sex coach’ option is out
You’ve sealed your fate. No meido or women for you!