code geass r2 19
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass
Geass, lies, and videotape.

Well, the Korean spoilers are coming true, and I think that is about the end of them. With the Black Knights turning on Lulu and with Rolo’s death and Suzaku’s brokenness, what are they going to do for the final seven episodes? Have a Evangelion 25/26-like fight with Charles? OH GEASS NO!
So Lulu basically has had everything taken away from him. He has no one left to turn to. This basically reminds of me of Boogie Nights when Dirk hits rock bottom and offers to pleasure himself for cash for a trucker in the middle of a parking lot. A quick recap:
☆ Lelouch, who tries to return to humanity from his path as a demon king, loses his precious things because of it.
1. “Loverâ€: Shirley (dead, killed by Rolo in a fit of misplaced jealously… “friendly fire”)
2. Partner: C.C. (memory wiped while saving Lulu… “queen sacrificed to save the king”)
3. Sister: Nunnally (dead, killed by Suzaku in a fit of poor judgement… “collateral damage”)
3.5. Sister: Euphie (dead, killed by a geass… “the sister Lulu doesn’t fap to”)
4. “Ragâ€: Rolo (dead, killed self to save Lulu… “bishop sacrificed to save the king”)
5. Believer: Diethard (betrayed)
6. Organization: OotBK (betrayed)
7. Friend: Suzaku (???)
8. Identity: Zero (discarded)
9. Meido: Sayoko (dead, killed by Suzaku… “*sniff*”)
What does he have left?
Kallen. Still on the Black Knights, but #1 candidate to go back to Lulu’s side and then get promptly killed. I think I will go on a killing spree if they kill off Kallen. Either that or I’ll just lose my mind like Harvey Dent and blog about Strike Witches and Zero no Tsukaima.
Orange-kun. The only real OH GEASS NO threat left for the next few episodes.
Milly’s breasts. They’re awesome, but they probably won’t be of much use in a mobile suit battle… I mean… look at Sumeragi… they sure didn’t help her.
And that’s about it. Sad. Dirk Diggler sad.
As for possible ending scenarios, I think one really likely one is the Mai Hime ending where they enter the alternate world and then bring back the dead. Maybe not everybody, but at the very least Nunnally.
The second most likely is just everyone dies except Milly and Rivalz. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth after typing that– we watched 52 episodes to end up there?
The nine-hundred-and-ninety-ninth most likely is with Kallen’s and Suzaku’s help, Lulu gets more allies (Gino and Anya) and take out Charles. Then they take out both the Black Knights and Schneizel. The last ten minutes will be nothing but a C.C., Anya, and Kallen bath scene where slave girl C.C. wonders about the difference in size between Anya and Kallen and promptly performs her own “calculations.”

A single minute into the show, and we have already made the newly relaunched Emo Facial Distortion Pantheon obsolete.
(Okay, updated Lulu’s entry.)

A strong contender, for maybe next week.

And another contender. My gosh, Sunrise anime will dominate the Emo Facial Distortion Pantheon like how the Chinese dominate Olympic diving.

Lulu’s spaz was great. This is what I want Haruhi to look like after she finds Kyon with his hand up Mikuru’s skirt. Lulu barely showed any emotion after Shirley died, he doesn’t even think about the loyal meido, he showed maybe 1/1000th of the emotion of Nina after his other sister died. I think this means something. I think it’s deeper than Lulu being one heck of a siscon.

Suzaku couldn’t do it! He couldn’t pull off a decent emo facial distortion, but he is a broken man.

The scene with Lulu and Rolo escaping with Lulu begging Rolo to not kill himself and ultimately seeing Rolo die wasn’t as homoerotic as I thought it would be. But it was still the most homoerotic moment of 2008.

C.C. was awesome this episode. I loved her liberal use of “Master” as well as her insistence to “Please take off your clothes!” Because “I can reach places you can’t reach.” And that wasn’t even the best part… I loved Kallen stumbling into the command master bedroom to find C.C. asking Lulu to “take off your clothes… I’ll try my best!” with a blushing Kallen wondering, “WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WHILE I’VE BEEN CAPTURED!?” That was a solid 10 out of 10 and made Ranka seeing Sheryl in Alto’s arms like child’s play. Memory loss C.C. is more awesome than normal C.C..

Milly’s looking more delicious than usual… my gosh, a bomb just killed millions of people, and I’m commenting on the weatherwoman’s appearance. Whew! Thought I’ve been going soft lately.
(But that is a great melancholic look.)

Such a huge ass deus ex machina to keep Ashford safe. Though I’m wondering how they get sunlight and water for the trees in those underground tunnels. Seems like a waste of resources… then again… this is the same country that builds powerful war machines and give them to spicy & cool girls to pilot.

She really should be in Shugo Chara and not in this mess.

Schneizel just completely pwned them during the negotiations. It wasn’t even close. He out Donald Trumped them. The Black Knights side looks like someone who just lost all their money at the poker table. Bad times… very bad times.

Ohgi’s such a traitor… Diethard I can understand (he’s a loon and he betrayed once already), but Ohgi should be thanking Lulu. If it weren’t for him, his resistance group would have been long wiped out by Britannian. But, of course, she’s been brainwashed by Chigusa’s melonpan. The lesson, as always, is that women are evil. The thing that bothered me the most was that no one asked for Lulu’s explanation. That’s the least they could do for the person who brought them this far. Sure, he’s no saint (and someone like Putin or Bush aren’t either), but he can at least explain why he did what he did. That owe him at least that. And this is how I would spin those events…
The massacre: he was wiping out the geass cult and cutting a source of Charles’ power.
Admitting to geassing Euphie: he was getting used to his powers and screwed up the geass command.

Besides Rolo’s death and the all the emo facial distortions, I enjoyed Kallen defending Lulu and Lulu pushing her away to save her. Very noble, but I still think Lulu hooks up with Suzaku at the end.

It’s beyond buyer’s remorse. Her sudden mood swing from a table-humping orgasm to withdrawn questioning is pretty epic. Then I remembered what women are like when they’re pregnant and nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Her name’s Monica, and she needs more screentime along with MAI HUNNI and the three bridge bunnies. Andohbytheway, what the fuck has Charles been doing lately? Or is it just going to be revealed to use in two episodes as a HAHAOMFGWTFPWNU plot twist?

And, finally, from last week…
Ryggim: Just so you can get over Sayoko being dead, you gotta admit there’s still a possibility that she used her uber ninja techniques to get herself and Nunally out of that dire situation yes? Well back to the main reason why I posted a comment. Try reading this doujin, it has a maid in it what’s more to ask? I leave it to you to find it in the net, the title’s Maid Bride.
Derailed by Darry gets by without running any ads. None. Zero. Zip. Ever. No commercial links or even links to “affiliates,” and I’m one of the few truly independent bloggers left. So what do I get from blogging? I used to just be able to meet people who I could discuss anime with and that was enough for me. Now? I get links to hentai. I’m not sure if this is an upgrade. Or maybe I just need to start running ads or something.
(I can picture the hordes of readers going over to Fakku to check out this doujinshi.)
OpMegs: And apparently the official name is Guren Heaven’s Eight Extremities Type, which is some sort of reference to the points of the compass in Japanese tradition yada yada yada yada yada…
I thought the “eight extremities” referred to the number of tentacles that pop out of that cockpit– I’ll stop there.
Boskutz’m: Well, my theory is that Code Geass is just a set-up to Big O, and that the “Event†was Charles remaking the world. Would that cast Roger Smith as a descendant of one of the characters? Would that mean that Diethard got amnesia, renamed himself, and became Schwarzwald? Or, it could be my rabid belief that Sunrise MUST make a reboot for “The Big O!â€
Since this isn’t 1998 Sunrise, I pray this doesn’t happen. If they make more Big O, it’s going to involve Roger Smith searching for his long lost sister while battling his best friend turned enemy, Dan. Dorothy would still be a robot, but she’ll give Roger a special power that lets him control other people. I think it’s more likely they’ll “improve” Big O than “regress” Code Geass.
Neriya: Yet the next episode preview has him raging at Rolo, and there’s at least 5 episodes to fill after that.
Best case scenario: five episodes of Hidamari-like bath scenes with C.C., Kallen, Anya, and Milly.
Worst case scenario: an Eva 25/26-like filler where Shirley and Erstin Ho play grab ass in the afterlife. Only it’s drawn in the trippy, abstract style rather than the ZOMG MELONPAN style that a C.C., Kallen, Anya, and Milly bath scene would be drawn in.
Keiya: (Still hoping for a medieval reboot.)
LOLZ, Dude, did you do that on purpose? Coz yanno, there’s a new Code Geass manga spinoff called Code Geass: Tales of an Alternate Shogunate.
Yeah, but it features all the characters, not just C.C. and her slave girl adventures. Though I’d love to see what other reboots they can come up with for Code Geass. I’m hoping for a sports-related one where Lulu and Suzaku are on rival race car teams. Or maybe just maybe a Clannad reboot with Code Geass characters… Lulu as Tomoya… Suzaku as Sunohara… Shirley as Nagisa… Kallen as Tomoyo… or would it be better with Suzaku as Nagisa, Rolo as Fuko, and Orange-kun/Guilford as Kyou/Ryou?
(Who am I kidding? The best reboot possible for Code Geass R2 would be Luluko… made as Lucile… and the newly christened Susan. Then I’d keep all the other characters as is. You guys need to help out with my quest to join Sunrise’s creative staff. YES WE CAN!)
mi_koala: I think another important thing overlooked in this episode, is that group of fine ladies restraining Lulu… They may not have reached random NANI MAI HUNNI? status but there could have been potential. Such a shame. tsk tsk tsk
Whatever happened to MAI HUNNI? I hope she and her baked goods are okay…

tidal: Due to the fact that I keep reading Jason ripping on Code Geass, even I am jaded now as by right I should be enjoying my subpar deathnote/mecha anime. I used to like this show, even when Jason pointed out every single plot hole and scenes where moar fanservice should be inserted, but now, I’m just jaded.
How is pointing out plot holes and missed fanservice opportunities “ripping” on a show? If you want a rip job, read some reviews of Clone Wars. I’m like Mr. Rogers compared to them:
“At the point of this character’s introduction – it officially became, the worst character in the history of STAR WARS. If you hate George Lucas cutsiepoo bullshit – oooooooh boy. You’re gonna have a field day of venting and hatred directed at this unbelievably fucking awful little shit. It farts, makes pukey faces and is just unbearably bad. – AIC”
“But who will stop George Lucas from destroying the legacy of George Lucas? – MSNBC”
“Because neither the story nor the visuals are involving, viewers will be squirming and the film trudges to its uneventful conclusion. – eFilmCritic”
“Pretty much drives a stake into the heart of every loyal fan of the movies. And now he’s out to stick it to those too young to know about Jar Jar Binks. – Toronto Star”
(Yes, you can argue that it’s for little kids, but I can also argue that they deserve better. This or this would be huge improvements.)
Ithekro: I’m going to guess the Bunny girl Kallen picture is post-glass cage Kallen, as her breasts seemed to be enlarging each episode while in that dress. This bunny girl outfit shows just how much she’s grown since the start of the season… If they kept her any longer she wouldn’t even fit into a bunny suit anymore and have to switch to working at Hooters.
If glass cage can magically enlarge a female anime character’s melonpan, I think we’re onto something here. That’s how Britannia made all their money! They sold such machines to Mahoro, Louise, Shana, Mini-Klan, etc. That’s one heck of a profitable business.
rh: I don’t really care about the ending, as long as we get to see Kallen raping Lulu as graphically as 6 JST allows the producers.
Yep… these are my readers.
First comment GET.
Best moment of this episode: Laughzaku!
He’s really lost it now.
Also, as much as I hated Rollo, his death was incredibly sad. I baww’d a little inside.
It’s kind of sad that the Black Knights would just betray Zero at the tip of the hat, at what amounts to circumstantial evidence. And in return for what? Japan? Something that the Brittanian’s can as easily invade AGAIN at their leisure? Really, Ougi, REAL smart move.
Man Rolo’s dead was sad…I hate to say it but for an evil prick his death was pretty touching…
Somehow Rolo just became the most human out of all the characters. I don’t know if that’s a good thing, but at least he had a purpose. I still don’t know what the heck Rivalz is in the show for.
Nina’s so stupid – she made a huge bomb and yet doesn’t seem to think that MAYBE that bomb might kill people. What did she think bombs do, spread love and happiness? With a flowery afterscent that lasts 30 days, or your money back?
well at least there is no homo sence with rolo anymore… and i doubt that suzaku is willing to err… “be with” lulu
peace to rolo
I really wonder why Gino is being held prisoner in the previews? It’s a pity that all the new R2 characters haven’t even been fleshed out some more. But I don’t know why it surprises me I mean this is the same company that twist and twirled Shinn’s character more than C. Ronaldo does on a football pitch (YES A FOOTBALL/SOCCER REFERENCE CONSIDER YOUR EUROPEAN READERS ONCE IN A WHILE :P).
This was probably the best episode in a while of Geass but I’m wondering what Lelouch will do next…will he go back to the Academy and act like nothings wrong or will he go to Jeremiah or Suzaku?
And isn’t Freya a nuke? shouldn’t there be an evacuation because of all the radiation?
So is this the part where Lulu turns into an actual good guy? It’s been so hard to feel sorry for the guy when he’s been just so damn
gayevil for so long.As for Rolo’s death scene, I thought it was funny that he kept on geassing Lulu in the middle of his sentence.
About time Rolo died, he was getting WAAAAY too annoying and constantly brought up uncomfortable psuedo-incest homoerotic overtones, which I am happy will probably only occur with Orange-kun once in a blue moon from this point onwards.
Though at least Rolo didn’t go out like a punk and instead went out pretty cool-like.
“would be Luluko… made as Lucile… and the newly christened Susan. Then I’d keep all the other characters as is. You guys need to help out with my quest to join Sunrise’s creative staff. YES WE CAN!)”
…please dont tempt me…
I -=told=- you that this was the EFD episode… and we can wait for Suzaku’s EFD. It’s coming, like sunsets and idiot bats. Now we need to deprogram you to get rid of that evil crossgender thing and Rolo in Strike Witches short skirts.
Myssa Rei: This is the same BK unit that was getting its ass kicked until Lulu showed up again. The problem is they don’t learn from past expeirence/mistakes… which is why they deserve to taste FLEIJA next. All of Japan must burn… as should all the characters.
I’m utterly surprised no-one’s mentioned yet Lloyd’s “I’ve been broken since the start. Even I’m aware of that” -line.
Damn, I was going to say that, but forgot :S
Suzaku followed Graham’s footsteps! sunrise never fails to showcase broken people… this kind of character must be very close to their hearts…
stupid Black Knights. believing everything that mr. sly guy said.
I did say I wouldn’t watch the series anymore, so I just get the summaries. It seems that with Code Geass, Sunrise has revived one of the almost-extinct genres of anime: the overly dramatic soap opera knockoff.
See, back in the 70’s and 80’s, when shoujo manga wasn’t about magical girls and the asshole bastard guys who said magical girls keep falling for (You know who you are, Fruits Basket, Full Moon, Vampire Knight, and 99% of all shoujo in the world!), it was an overly dramatic emofest where you will either want to kill all the villains, or kill the main character to end her misery.
What I’m getting here is that Code Geass has finally completed the transition from being overly stupid, to being a full-blown, bonafide soap opera. Congratulations on reviving a genre we all hate, Sunrise!
Man I’ve been waiting so long for Rolo to die, yet as he was saving Lulu to his obvious death I kinda felt sorry for him, a tiny part of me wanted him to live, maybe I do have a mako-cakes broken part as well?
Meh, who am I kidding thank god hes finally dead that annoying bastard.
I hope for the theory that Anya is Lulu’s real sister instead of Nunnaly and then sunrise screws up err… writes the story from there.
I really have to wonder, since none of the members (at least the ones with Schneizel) of the OoTBK have actually heard Lelouch’s voice, what was the point of playing a voice recording as proof? It really could have been anyone’s voice on the tape. In fact, since Zero uses a voice changer, it really shouldn’t be that hard for them to reproduce that instead of using a voice none of them have ever heard. Another thing, hey Ougi, not too long ago Viletta was shooting at you. You ever consider that maybe she’s manipulating you? Or atleast, can’t someone else consider that? And what’s going to happen to the rest of the united nations now that Zero is gone and 90% of the OoTBK are satisfied with Japan being returned to them?
err.. I mean.. look at the pretty colors and the wacky hijinks, haha, Kallen thinks Lelouche and CC have been having sex. Oh hey Clovis! LOL at Lloyd already being “broken from the start”. Oh hey Craaazaku!
haih, thr’s a reason why some ppl are meant to be leaders and some are not. Ougi is obviously not. flash him a bit of Viletta’s melons and his brain works the other way round.
thr’s also a reason why Toda was always beaten back in the old times till Lulu came by. He’s just too dumb to think properly and carefully. Schneizel really had it easy, like conning some kids with candy.
but damn, i was at least hoping Lulu might’ve given Rolo a kiss before Rolo hit the bucket. hah
Tsundere for sunrise is tsundere. But I suppose next time i should choose my words more wisely.
On another note, this episode somehow restored my interest in CG.
the excessive amount of screen time Tamaki got pisses me off. I can’t believe he ended up taking the limelight of the betrayal negotiation, though you’re comparison to them losing a poker game does justify him being there somewhat since his pose was the best in that picture.
I really have to wonder, since none of the members (at least the ones with Schneizel) of the OoTBK have actually heard Lelouch’s voice, what was the point of playing a voice recording as proof?
Hahaha, I forgot about this! That could have been any schmuck saying that!
Have a Evangelion 25/26-like fight with Charles? OH GEASS NO!
Ironically, Taniguchi mentioned in one of those magazine articles that if they didn’t get approval for a second series of Geass they would’ve gone for an “Evangelion-like ending”.
The scene with Lulu and Rolo escaping with Lulu begging Rolo to not kill himself and ultimately seeing Rolo die wasn’t as homoerotic as I thought it would be. But it was still the most homoerotic moment of 2008.
They’ve gotta set the bar high for Gundam 00 later this year. Wonder what the over/under will be for episodes to top this scene? 2.5?
Looking at the extended preview, it seems Lulu will be getting an army of penguins to replace the Black Knights. Either that or Nunally and Sayoko are going to come back as prinnies.
As for possible reboots/spinoffs, I’d like to see Keroro get involved in the hijinks somehow. Or maybe The Geass of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Lifted from Animesuki, which was in turn lifted from the official Geass site. It’s the updated relationship chart, which pretty much confirms who got atomized in the FREIJA blast:
Do take note that, while this is Sunrise, Taniguchi apparently has firm reins on the project so far, so it’s VERY unlikely for people labeled ‘dead’ to suddenly come back. Rumors aside, Emperor WAKAMOTO has nowhere near the ability to just pull Nunnally and Sayoko from the brink (notice he never gave a thought to the folks at the Battle of Tokyo).
I’m looking forward to seeing how this pans out in the end. The only thing I can say with 99% certainty is that the ending will not be a happy one. A crazy, trainwreck one, but not a happy one.
Lelouch now has almost no one on his side; the OotBK turned on him, his pet assassin sacrificed himself for him, he pushed his kickass fanservicey mecha pilot away to protect her, and all he has left is an amnesiac and depowered CC.
I’m now more afraid for the CG world than I was before. Lelouch now has no one left to care about (half-sister: dead. high school love interest: dead. ill little sister: dead). This being a pretty cynical series, his compassion and concern for others has always been his crippling Achille’s Heel, but not anymore.
So to summarize, he’s been backed into a corner and literally has nothing left to lose. It wouldn’t surprise me if he shifts his goals now from revolutionizing the world to just razing it to the ground and turning it into ashes.
I think these last few episodes will turn the series from a trainwreck to an outright apocalypse. Good times.
Ah. Half of my “Nunnally is alive” were fakes because I watched preview fast. But if Nunnally is dead then why give Rolo 3x more emotional death. I know that fangirls invaded Sunrise long ago, but c’mon.
Zero’s cool when he doesn’t try to explain anything, but just admits: Yeah, I did it. And at same time he makes everyone hate him.
Ougi. Man who’s main job until now has been to stand at bridge while someone other gives commands. If he takes the lead I guess it’s bye bye Black Knights.
And “god I hate you Nina” Bombs kill ppl. Yes they do.
Strike Wizards…my eyes, they burn. I’m no longer sure if this is pain or pleasure.
Anyway. Rolo got a better death then he deserved probably but it was nice to see one character whose death was not pointless. He really did grow a little bit. Even if it was only from a souless assasain to a creepy brother-complex stalker. But he was damaged goods right from the start, so its not like you can really blame him for being so effed up.
I marathoned Kaiba this week and maybe I’m just comparing apples and oranges but relatively speaking Geass has been incredibly straightforward this season. Only big surprises have been C.C.’s past and Orange-kun’s whole geass cancelling and triple agenting.
Nunnally is not Lulu sister you know … she is have a Geass but its not a very useful one, it just turns people gay.
That is why Lulu, SuZu and that Otome Maid the name escapes me are all gay … sure Suzu tried to hid it bit.
Precious Thing Number 10: Lulu’s virginity.
And if Rolo was a real man, he would have used his Geass to deprive Lulu of this one good and proper, instead of this namby-pamby saving his life rubbish.
Dude, jason. If you feel the need for some recommendations of some quality hentai, all you have to do is ask.
Great, in a single episode, I lost absolutely every single reason I had to watch Geass. I hated Rolo but at least it provided me with “OH GEASS NO!” moments. I’ve lost all hope in Suzaku. Screw seven episodes, I want Gundam 00.
Here an prediction on how this gonna end. Just when the order of the black knights thought Zero betray them. Britainia will do the same thing to them and the whole Knights army will become a cluster F—!!!! Despite that Zero brought everybody together, without him his team will slowly collapse with no proper leadership. And Suzaku will probably goes insane and go on a killing spree or just go after Lulu and just blame him for everything that happens as usual.
Kallen will in time join lulu group with the Kawaii slave C.C. and go after Charles as he rape the world with his sup up FIElA battling out at the Ashford school. In the end, everyone will die except the undead Nunally with Sayoko scrolling in just when everything is over.
And finally, (i hate to admit it ) Suzaku will somehow say alive long enough to find the fault in his logic and try to change not only the world but himself. In the end Nunally will become Suzu’s wife and he in the end will be one of the top leaders in the world with Xingke and Sayoko being his right and left bodyguards and I will really hate this show if Suzaku come out of this on top on everything T_T
Prediction for the next last episode:
Lulu pulls a Goku, and with a well-placed Kamehameha towards Mt. Fuji, triggering a massive Sakuradite explosion that destroys the world as he leaves for the United Earth Federations space colonies to go to his true love… SETSUNA F. SEIEI!!!
>Great, in a single episode, I lost absolutely every single reason I had to watch Geass. I hated Rolo but at least it provided me with “OH GEASS NO!†moments. I’ve lost all hope in Suzaku. Screw seven episodes, I want Gundam 00.
If Rolo’s OH GEASS NO was the only reason you were watching CG, do take note that numerous side attractions abound in CG… all of which are in current disrepair and need desperate maintanence…
To relate this to something Jason was talking about, it’s very much like the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Certain things HAVE TO happen, logic be damned. So, what’s the easiest way to set in motion major, allegiance changing plot twists? Write an Idiot Plot. Anakin turning to the Dark Side, Black Knights betraying Zero, all they need is a little circumstantial evidence and fairytale like promises, and they’re all ready to jump off a bridge for the baddies. In the case of Star Wars, it was sad to see our favorite fictional universe suddenly be one populated with so many drooling idiots, but that’s how Code Geass (R2) has always been, so we can’t really complain much.
Rolo’s death was too good for him.
Somewhere between Jason’s 2nd most likely and 999th most likely ends is this scenario: everyone fights and gets killed by nukes/geassing/yet-to-be-discoved-and-long-forgotten-superweapon, all of civilization is destroyed except Ashford Academy, and Millay and Rivalz are the only humans left to repopulate the Earth, End of Evangelion style.
“Millay and Rivalz are the only humans left to repopulate the Earth, End of Evangelion style.”
And you can bet that even then, Millay still won’t put out. Rivalz is life’s eternal bitch. (Assuming you ignore the stuff that happened to Lulu, natch).
I’m guessing that Lulu wanted to go back to being a human so he didn’t want to get anybody close to him die anymore. Seeing how things are going like this, Lulu’s only allies are Orange, Kallen (most likely to return to him), and possibly Susaku. With his last little comment, he planted a “I’m not sure” seed in Kallen and that may be the reason she goes back to him. As for Orange-kun, he still wants to prove his loyalty to lulu’s mother so he’ll still be an ally. As for the OoBK, while at the table, they were discussing on Zero lying to them and the ones across the table are the enemies you swore to kill telling you this, somehow, they completely forgot. Man, no wonder Lulu had them eating out of his palm in season 1. *Sigh* now with Zero gone, the OoBK are going down faster than the Susaku stockmarket.
What a bunch of badly written turncoats the black knights have become. But I was actually impressed by Rolo’s scene.
I haven’t read the spoilers, so my prediction for the endgame is Lulu, Suzaku, Anya, Kallen and servant CC vs a first a ragtag bunch of Black and Round Knight remnants in the buildup to the last 2 episodes, and then the Emperor. Anya will fight Gino. The Emperor will kill Schneizel. CC will die to save Lulu.
>> As for possible reboots/spinoffs, I’d like to see Keroro get involved in the hijinks somehow. Or maybe The Geass of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Haruhi: Whaddaya mean I only get to use it once per person??!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post until i saw the Strike Wizards picture.
I was pretty sad when rolo was saving Lelouch from everyone. I dont thnk Rolo should have geassed himself to death though.
lol pretty nice for this ep, i wonder if rolo can hit another serie like strike witches as a panty air figther haha
Nina made her bomb with the sole purpose of killing Zero, but forgot the consequences. She killed almost 35 million people on Tokyo Settlement and didn’t accomplish her mission; Zero is still alive and the guilt will hunt her for the rest of her life. That’s why Lloyd told her that she’ll have to make a choice: “Save her soul and abandon science or join us in our brokenness and embrace Mako-cakes religionâ€.
Ogi is a jerk; despite everything that Lelouch did wrong as Zero, thanks to him they’re able to stand against Britannia like no other country in the world could, even more capable than Europe and the Chinese Federation. They felt for Schneizel’s sweet and malice words to betray him; without knowing his true intentions. They’re going to get back Japan and Lelouch a safe place to his sister to live happily, but now everything is lost.
The rest of the Black Knights are a bunch of idiots; they weren’t the only ones that lost precious people along the way. Lelouch had to sacrifice Euphy for his mistake; take down Clovis for being a sick bastard with the Japanese, even forgive Rollo when he killed Shirley because he was still useful to him. Finally, their little brains never acknowledged that if Lelouch was a prince, then Nunnally was her sister. Because they never knew she was his reason to be; they had no idea how much her dead destroyed him. Hopefully Kallen will put some sense in their heads before leave the Black Knights; surely they’ll become Schneizel’s dogs now.
I’m sure this won’t be a happy end for Lelouch; he’ll pay for everything wrong he did on his path of becoming Zero and the path he has to take in order to bring down his father. His final destination will be Hell for sure, but he’ll be not alone there.
“Save her soul and abandon science or join us in our brokenness and embrace Mako-cakes religionâ€.
The Holy Eleven Mako-cakes Church… maybe i should join, i am already broken
Well it looks liek most of the spoilers did come true after all. Anyway, even though Nina realizes what she has created and what it had done, she will probably still die for that sin but who knows. Most people would like to see her die however. As for the Black Knight’s betrayal, that was unfortunate and it doesn’t seem like Lelouch’s mistake with Euphie will be exposed at this point. I don’t think I see any hope for the OotBK right now. I hope all those traitors will get what they deserve…
As for Kallen, I really hope they don’t kill her off. Unfortunately at this point though, I am unsure of her fate. She is just too awesome of a character to just kill off. I would lose all respect for this anime and its staff if that were to ever happen. I just hope she stays alive til the end, especially somehow ending up with lulu (may fav pairing).
For Rolo, even though his death seemed “heroic,” I dont think it was fitting. He may have somewhat “redeemed” himself for saving lelouch, but that doesn’t mean he is redeemed from killing the innocent Shirley and for him being sucha lame a$$. Anyways, thanks Rolo for putting a show, kinda.
Suzaku seems like he has gone over the edge and may turn out to be a crazed maniac til the end unless something in his mind pops out and convinces him to do the right thing but right now, that doesn’t seem possible, seeing as how he has caused about 35 million Tokyo casualties (hot damn that’s a lot!)
And finally, for Lelouch, It seems now he realizes his actions and what the consequences were. He doesn’t seem like he will go down the true evil path but he will damn well bring the Emperor down. I can only see now that he and some others still faithful to him will end up being their own rogue group against everyone. This includes Jeremiah and Kallen only so far. As for how it will end for him, it can either be two ways. He lives after accomplishing what he wants to and lives on or he dies after his accomplishment somehow.
Nina, like a lot of people really, thought that weapons only kill the enemy. Make a bigger bomb that will wipe out the enemy as they try to stand against justice. Sounds good on paper and in propaganda.
Only problem is that weapons like that can also kill normal people that have nothing to so with the war. She found out the hard way, and suffers for it.
I’m rooting for Schneizel to be the winner of this series. Hes the only one who isn’t a WTFHAXOR. Everything he achieves, he achieves with normal, human abilities. Unlike his brother and father, who are both cheaters. I hope for a scenario where, through sheer masterful strategy and tactics, he’s able to guide Lulu and the Emperor factions into destroying each other, while he walks in and cleans out the trash afterward. The world is united under Schneizels reign for a while, before falling apart into its usual state of chaos.
BTW, that Last image needs to burn, seriously. Burn like Rolo’s soul is doing right now, in Hell.
>>Then I remembered what women are like when they’re pregnant and nothing to see here, move along, move along.
What, she used Euphemia’s DNA to impregnate herself with Euphy’s clone?
this happens when you have unprotected sex with tables…
Ok I have been waiting to write this here cause this is my favorite site to read about Code Geass now
Why does Lelouch look like the big bad wolf with his emo face
the expolsion just misses the school now that is just gay and everyone working there knows it
The Black Knights just turn on Zero cause hey why not they were just doing sooooooooooooo well without him before I mean Oogi was in charge of a warehouse before Zero and now he is in charge of a huge flying battle ship. Todou was just some guy with 5 people at his disposal he would have been soooo well off without Zero cause the rest of his resistance was doing fine hiding in mountains. They let a Brittian Prince into their base tell them their leader is another Brittian Prince and hey lets all believe the prince who showed us his face first.
Oogi is just booty-whipped what he need to do is reverse it whip that booty
Orange-Kun is pretty much the only guy left I have respect for in this show
Susaku going crazy oooohhhh boy if I couldnt hate him anymore than I do now
Kallen loves Lelouch Lelouch loves Kallen and even C.C heck I like slave C.C not as much as kill at any time C.C but hey what you gonna do right???
Rolo I dont know why he just didnt kill Schinezel, Corneila, pretty much everyone in the room excpet Kallen I dont know but hey he went out like a champ and thats all I can say
Lelouch may be a docuhe but something in me wants him to raise up and destroy everyone ESPICALLY OOGI and Diethard cause he was a idoit also the show is cancelled COME ON that is just terrible
“I haven’t read the spoilers, so my prediction for the endgame…”
Well, the Code Geass spoilers are now, much like those old ‘Millionaire’ lifelines, are all used up, so your guess is as good as anyone’s.
With such things like Rolo’s redemption ending and “killing off” the ninja meido, Sunrise sure has a knack for giving us exactly what do not want. With that in mind, let’s construct the worst ending possible, and see how close Code Geass gets to it:
1) Kallen and/or C2 die horrible, meaningless deaths, at the fault of some worthless characters like Ohgi or Diethart.
2) Suzaku gets a redemption/yaoi ending.
3) Anya actually plays no important role in the series at all, serving only as a red herring plot device.
4) Nina works as a prominent, leading figure in the newly formed afterworld at series’ end.
Anyone care to add more?
I was amused that Shinkirou’s absolute protection field is powered by calculus.
>>>>>The scene with Lulu and Rolo escaping with Lulu begging Rolo to not kill himself and ultimately seeing Rolo die wasn’t as homoerotic as I thought it would be. But it was still the most homoerotic moment of 2008.
No, that would be 19:25.
“Anyone care to add more?”
That the point of the story is that rebellion is pointless. The basis for it would be the Occupation of Japan by the United States from 1945-55. Thus their retelling points to the folly of attempting to rewrite history, because they may have gotten the better ending to start with?
Yes this is very random.
The scene between Kallen and C.C. is one of the reasons I love Code Geass. No matter how busy the plot is, no matter how grim the turn of events, and no matter how emotional the characters are, there is always time for a typical harem moment. Sunrise knows their priorities. Also, is Schneizel official the smartest character in this show? He’s done pretty well for himself so far.
I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen the spoilers for the rest of this series until the final episode, but it only took 5 minutes for it to be deleted. lol
Actually, the Korean spoilers only go up to Episode 21… Which is as far as the Korean contact went before he was fired. Everything else onwards is pure conjecture, not helped by the fact that COPYCAT spoilers have started appearing.
Some of the more ridiculous of what I’ve read are as follows:
* Emperor Wakamoto saves Nunnally and Sayoko (debunked, see updated relationship chart I just linked)
* Nunnally is the Knight of Zero, and not really Lelouch’s sister.
* In that vein, Anya is really Lelouch’s sister, as revealed when Jeremia used his Geass Canceller on her and Lulu.
* Nunnally kills C.C., but not before C.C gives Lulu her Code.
* The whole WORLD is accidentally Geassed into fighting Britannia.
* Only Kallen, Anya, and Lelouch end up walking away in the end, and while Lulu distances himself from the aftermath of Ragnarok, Anya and Kallen convince him to rebuild the world.
Yeah, each of these are MORE ridiculous than the last. Take that as you will, but personally, I’m only believing the spoilers up to Episode 21.
Was that the Avalon that Rolo blew up at the end there?
Turambar: Nope, it was a similar ship.
We still need to find out what happens if Kallen can be a good enough devicer to get Guren up to 60%, where ever the fuck they pulled that number from.
Maybe she’ll get it up to 100%, a song will start playing and they’ll RahXephon it.
I can just picture Lulu painting away happily while Suzaku walks up behind him possessively placing one hand on his should, the other protectively cradling baby Nunnaly…
Well these spoilers are true most likely as they came from the same source that was from the spoilers that were true:
– Nunally and Sayoko were saved from the blast by Charles. Saving Nunally was intentional, Sayoko just happened to be there.
– Suzaku goes insane after he realizes what he has done. He prepares a strike against Britannia with the Lancelot and eliminates many of the lesser-important Knights. He is stopped by a mysterious Knightmare who identifies themselves as Knight of Zero. He is then captured and brought to Charles.
– Anya confronts Jeremiah and says that she believes she is under the influence of a Geass. Jeremiah takes her to Lelouch who confines her and then permits Jeremiah to use his Geass Canceler. It is then revealed that Anya is Lelouch’s true sister, and not Nunally. Lelouch does not believe it, but Jeremiah attempts to focus on Charles’ type of Geass within Lelouch’s mind, and finds it deeply hidden. He now remembers – he, Anya, Jeremiah and many others are all under the influence of Charles’ Geass. His true past memories have no knowledge of Nunally.
– Nunally is the Knight of Zero, a special-ops Knight. She was (willingly) under Charles’ Geass to help advance his plans. She also has a Geass, identical to the one in the Nightmare of Nunally manga.
* In that vein, Anya is really Lelouch’s sister, as revealed when Jeremia used his Geass Canceller on her and Lulu.
Anya would certainly make for much better siscon
Yikes, please, Lelouch’s obsession with Nunnally was bad enough, let’s not give the producers (not the writers, since the script was finished weeks ago) any more ideas.
Again, the Korean spoilers only go so far as episode 21. Any ‘new’ spoilers (like the ones I quoted previously) on what happens after that need to be taken with more than a grain of salt, since they get even MORE ridiculous with each iteration.
Suzuaku is doing it wrong. You call that a broken man? Hah.
Also, it annoys me how off-putting Lelouch can be at times no need to antagonize one your few remaining supporters i.e. Kallen.
With seven episodes left and the story with barely anywhere to go they only have one option. Entire episode to slave girl C.C. doing slave girl things to help her “Master” reach places he can’t reach.
@ William Lu, sadly, I can totally see that happening. Though, it’s Sunrise, and all the spoilers may or may not be true. We’ll just have to wait to find out :P.
Either that or (more likely) a three-way yaoi ending with Suzaku, Lulu, and Orange-kun.
“Either that or (more likely) a three-way yaoi ending with Suzaku, Lulu, and Orange-kun.”
Got to pander to your viewers I suppose.
ive seen one hardcore analyzer of CG (i mean he takes in every detail, and tells that one thing is not a plothole by proving via details bla bla bla, in every damn episode). and then i said, don’t take it too seriously; it’s a trainwreck. i mean, there’s really no way one can claim to me that there isn’t an organized bashing machine set up for this series. then he said
[quote]kindly tell me what about CG is a trainwreck?[/quote]
just made my fucking day.
> “Maybe she’ll get it up to 100%, a song will start playing and they’ll RahXephon it.”
With the info Emperor Wakamoto has been dropping about Ragnarok, a RahXephonesque ending is actually a possibility – you never know about those crazy people at Sunrise. They just might push that “LOL RESET” button and have Lulu reimagine the world.
Also, I like the Emperor’s style. Instead of committing all of his elite soldiers to battle, he keeps one at hand for the obligatory bridge bunny duty.
I can’t believe so many people have such a hard time believing the Black Knights would turn on Lulu. Have we forgotten the whole ‘ran away during the middle of the middle of the battle that could have won us Japan back, disappeared for a year, ran black ops where he murdered a bunch of defenseless people (they didn’t know about the Geass)’ things Lulu has done to them? Add to that Ohgi the Everyman turning on him, the fact that the Brits now have nukes, AND they’re offering them Japan back? I mean, wasn’t it shown several episodes ago the the Black Knights were wondering if they’d stick around with Lulu after they got Japan back? That plot point didn’t just pop out of nowhere.
you didn’t comment on Lloyd’s quote “I’ve been broken since the start”. You disappoint me Jason.
Hey, Suzaku appeared in this episode! Let’s all call him Episodezaku until next week!
I miss Rolo already…
I don’t think many people have hard time believing OotBK turned on Lulu as they have believing how easily it happened. Schneizel comes by and says, “y halo thar gaiz, Zero is my brother” ans “this here voice you don’t recognise really is Zero” and the Order is already going “nooooo!” and believing every word he says. Then comes Ougi saying Zero is Britannian… having just heard that from an ENEMY OFFICER. And they all just keel over without even trying to put on a negotiator’s face or try to salvage something – and Tamaki sure wasn’t helping things (which is why Scheinzel wanted him remain, no doubt). The Britannians didn’t offer Japan back either, Ougi asked for it.
Lulu of course gave the final push by admitting to their accusations, but they were already prepared to execute him on the spot. It never even crossed their minds that they were playing into Britannian hands by removing their own leader.
With diplomacy like that, you wonder how Nihon ended up in a no-win war vs. Brittania in the first place.
Maybe Suzaku killed his dad because he was f’ing incompetent?
Sorry about the double post, but I spent some time seriously thinking about Lulu’s situation, and where Lelouche goes from here. He’s not totally without assets and allies, given some thought.
1. Orange-kun. We know he’s not deserting Lulu, short of death.
2. Kallen. His last words have probably made her realize why he pushed her away. (Besides, this is Sunrise. No way they’re leaving that melonpan out.)
3. Xing-ke and the Tianzi. Hadn’t thought of them until the preview. They’re highly likely to tell the OotBK to F off as traitors. Remember, Zero was a key figure in organizing worldwide reistance to Brittania, with the OotBK as its military arm. Why should they care that Lelouche is a Brittanian? (Basically, a lot of the same arguments apply to both the OotBK and the Chinese Federation, but the latter doesn’t seem as stupid.)
4. Rakasha. Knowing her, she’s likely to laugh at everyone for not figuring it out earlier.
5. Millay. IIRC, her family is related to the ex-empress, and are the ones that hid Lulu after the war.
6. CC. Long shot, and she’d probably have to recover to be an asset. But who knows what Kallen could browbeat her into if she doesn’t?
*imagines Kallen in a dom outfit with a whip. Suddenly becomes derailed.*
Sooooo… Kallen spanks CC until she agrees to do a striptease on the bridge and seduce what’s his name, the blond knight. While everyone’s distracted, Kallen and Orange-kun steal the Gurren which Rakasha has modified so that Kallen can get 100% out of it. Twitter-chan takes pictures of the seduction and posts them on the My Space (sponsored by Pizza Hut!), resulting in what’s his name’s arrest.
Lulu has contacted Millay, who has smuggled him to China, where Kallen and Orange-kun link up. Rivalz is still Millay’s little bitch.
Meanwhile, Insanezaku has gleefully killed Nina by dropping a table on her, thus proving that even inanimate furniture can get justice ahead of 35 million Brittanians and Japanese. Twitter-chan takes more pictures to post on My Space. Reminded that she has the picture of him as a young boy, he contacts Anya, who flies her mech to China, where Orange-kun breaks both their Geass, only to discover that Anya isn’t Lulu’s sister; she’s his sister AND daughter through an incestuous relationship with his own mother (he only thinks he’s a teenager, thanks to Charles’ memory overwrites), which is why Charles had Marianne assassinated and sent him to Japan.
During this time, the OotBK are crushed by Schneizel, since they’re without Zero and their best pilot, but not before Toudou’s female assistant has time to hold that discussion with him: She admits to secretly being Sayoko’s lover and now that the ninja meido is dead, she’s deserting the Knights and entering a convent.
The war comes to a climactic finish, as Orange, Lulu, Kallen, and the Chinese Federation assault Charles’ flagship, only to have both sides wiped out by Insanezaku with another Freija. Scheizel, who emerges as the triumphant ruler of the entire world is revealed to have his own Geass.
In the interim, CC has parlayed her My Space appearance into an acting career in the Brittanian film industry. Let’s hear it for CC in Brittania-designed dresses! Lloyd marries his assistant, and goes on to form a business partnership with Rakasha, a sports league known as the World Knightmare Robo-wrestling Players. They headquarter in the Brittanian city of Cincinatus.
Oh, Scheinzel’s Geass? “Control Sunrise scriptwriters.” What else?
>>Sooooo… Kallen spanks CC until she agrees to do a striptease on the bridge
YES, YES, a thousand YES
“Sooooo… Kallen spanks CC until she agrees to do a striptease on the bridge”
I don’t even think that the spanking is even needed. Just tell her it’s for Lulu’s sake and she’ll be ready and willing.
>> Kadian1364: …Sunrise sure has a knack for giving us exactly what do not want. With that in mind, let’s construct the worst ending possible, and see how close Code Geass gets to it:
I’m positive that there’s no worst ending we can imagine that Sunrise can’t transcend. I wouldn’t bet against 1, 2 or 4 though.
>> @ubu
It’s beautiful. Such a script brings tears to my eyes.
I’ve had a few thoughts regarding how Geass will end. Yes, CC has lost her memory, but that leaves her conversations with Marianne unresolved. I thought about Marianne, and her nickname of ‘The Flash’. Also, in thew flashback to CC’s past, she is shown hanging out with Marianne. I think it would be foolish to assume she doesn’t have some sort of Geass, and that perhaps she isn’t as dead as we think she is. The same applies to Nunnaly. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nunnaly survives thanks to some action of Marianne.
I also am curious as to how Orange is going to handle the betrayal of the Black Knights. After all, despite everything Lelouche has done, he still remained loyal. I think it a tad silly to think he would stay with an organization who is hunting the man he wishes to protect.
Aside from this, we also have the Anya mystery, What Charles is up to, and Kallen. I don’t think we’re done with the Sunrise plot twists just yet…
I almost forgot, we still haven’t seen the Knight of One’s Geass behind that sewn shut eye now have we…
eh, Lelouch pretty much admitted to his misdeeds, and Euphemia’s death sounds too crazy to be believable.
I wonder if this mess would’ve never happened if Taniguchi was able to follow the original script instead of pandering to the audience. Guess we’ll never know.
This episode was very good. Way too good…
Hell, I didnt laugh once. I was in shock.
Of course, afterwards I listened carefully to Suzaku’s little laugh-fest, and it was similar to my own maniacal laughter. Yep, he has flipped that big “crazy” switch in his mind. Someone get him an old metal baseball bat for Lancelot.
I am part of the Cult of the Crazy and Maniacal Laughter. As you see, Suzaku has joined our ranks, next to such members as the Sonozaki sisters. You cannot resist our forces, for we laugh at your attempts….
You know, now that I think about it, one of those whacky predictions could be true: Insanzaku using a Freija bomb to take out both sides in the grand finale. It would really fit the bias of the early series if a son of Nihon wiped out all the gaijin, thereby securing independence. And there’s no doubt he’s crazy enough to do it now….
Why Geass is a complete train wreck.
I don’t mean to go off-topic for the moment but there is something that has been bothering me for awhile.
Why is it that no one has mentioned Schneizel’s fetish for weird people? That and Kannon is apparently a semi-closet transvestite and people have yet to mention this?! But then again Kannon is a not-so important person so I guess no one really cared and it was only in the novel I guess.
The way I see it, if Taniguchi wants to spite Sunrise for the change in timeslot, he would find a way to put Lulu in drag in one of the remaining episodes…
and have it as the reason as to Britannia finally starting to lose.
Also, something about Schneizel having planned it all.
why is kallen not in the meeting, or at least informed of it?
I recently started calling Suzaku “Seven Eleven”…
Veggies: Oh c’mon, at least be sincere. People like you already believed that, even back in season one, so you don’t need to posture so transparently.
Schneizel: You’r boss has a magical hypnotic control power.
And OotBK believed it straight away.
I think even Scheizel is suprised, how easy it was.
Taniguchi’s interview is interesting. R2 is totally different cause timeslot wsa changed. Makes you think that what would have happened if they’d continue from S1 ending. And because this series didn’t go as planned they throw in “fuck this” twists. Like “let’s make Rolo little more gay, just cause we can.
Btw. Wasn’t there secret lairs and water tunnels under Ashford? Now there’s only highway.